Chapter 9

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I grit my teeth, my muscles tensing as I feel the weight of his body bearing down on me. "Soren, let me go," I almost beg.

Soren's face looms inches from mine, his gaze piercing and intense as he stares into my eyes with a mixture of challenge and amusement.

My jaw clenches tight as I turn my head to the side, refusing to meet his gaze head-on.

I know that the stakes are raised, and the simmering tension between us is about to reach its boiling point.

I feel his lips on my ear. "I will see, huh?" The way he whispers my name sends shivers down my spine.

"Show me. Try and get out of here," his breath against my neck taunts me with a mocking tone.

I grit my teeth, frustration boiling within me as I struggle against his hold, desperate to break free from his overpowering grasp.

But no matter how hard I fight, I find myself trapped beneath him, pinned against the car with no means of escape.

I let out a frustrated groan, my struggles only serving to fuel Soren's dominance as he effortlessly pins my wrists above my head.

His grip is firm and unyielding, leaving me helpless and at his mercy as he holds me captive beneath him.

"You slapped me last night," he breathes through his nose.

I still do not look at him, even when I feel his warm breath dance across my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he starts to inhale deeply, his closeness engulfing me in a suffocating embrace.

I close my eyes, willing myself to remain calm despite the fear that gnaws at my insides.

My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for his next move.

I stop struggling, fear coursing through my veins as I stand still, afraid to make a move that might provoke him further.

Soren's chuckle sends a shiver down my spine, his voice dripping with amusement as he taunts me with his victory.

"That's what I thought," he teases, his smirk evident even without seeing his face.

To my surprise, Soren releases his hold on my pinned wrists and takes a step back.

A wave of relief washes over me, mingled with a sense of defeat.

I open my eyes to see Soren staring at me in a silent challenge, an annoying smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he looks down at me with a sense of triumph.

I can't help but feel a pang of frustration at my own powerlessness, but I know that for now, discretion is the best way to play the game of survival.

I meet Soren's gaze with a defiant glare. Despite the facade of confidence that I try to project, deep down, I know that I am no match for Soren's alpha-like dominance.

"Be prepared to lose, Soren," I hiss at him.

Soren's smirk falters for a fraction of a second, a flicker of uncertainty flashing in his eyes before he regains his composure.

He chuckles dismissively, a cold gleam in his gaze as he regards me with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "We'll see about that," he replies cryptically, his tone laced with a hint of warning.

"I won't hold my breath. In the meantime, I have work to do. Follow me," he says.

I fall into step behind him as he strides away, his powerful strides carrying him forward with purpose.

I quicken my pace to keep up, determined not to lose sight of him amidst the bustling crowd.

As we navigate through the streets, I can't help but marvel at Soren's commanding presence.

He moves with an air of confidence and authority that demands respect from those around him.

Every person we pass seems to bow their head in deference, their gazes averted in silent acknowledgment of his power.

Meanwhile, I feel like little more than a shadow trailing in his wake, unnoticed and insignificant in comparison.

This is a familiar feeling I have felt ever since I could remember, but usually around alphas.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely register our surroundings until we arrive at what appears to be a pack hall.

Soren pushes open the heavy wooden doors, and we step inside. The air is thick with the scent of old wood and polished stone.

I follow Soren into the grand hall, my footsteps echoing on the polished marble floors as I trail behind him.

The room is filled with people bustling about, their voices murmuring in hushed tones as they go about their business.

Soren strides confidently through the room, his presence drawing the attention of everyone present.

I remain at his side, feeling out of place among the crowd as I try to blend into the background.

Soren approaches a group of men gathered at the far end of the hall. I realize that I am no longer just an observer as their eyes follow me, their gazes lingering in suspicion.

I feel a ripple of unease coursing through me and find myself instinctively taking a step to the side, seeking refuge behind Soren's imposing figure.

Soren clears his throat, commanding the attention of the assembled group.

"Alpha," they greet him in unison, their voices echoing through the hall.

The word sends a jolt of confusion through me. Soren is not an alpha.

In the world of rogues, there are no rankings or titles—only the law of survival. Yet here, in this seemingly ordinary pack hall, the men refer to him with a reverence reserved for leaders of packs.

I furrow my brow in confusion, my mind racing to make sense of the situation.

What could it mean? Was Soren an alpha before he became a rogue? Is there more to Soren's past than he has led everyone to believe?

Or is there something else at play, something hidden beneath the surface of this seemingly ordinary gathering?

As the meeting commences and the men begin discussing matters that are beyond my comprehension, I can't shake the feeling that I am missing something crucial.

I watch Soren navigate the complexities of this unfamiliar world as the meeting progresses. I find myself on the outskirts of the conversation, listening intently as the men discuss various topics that are foreign to me as they speak in code words.

As a beta, I have attended thousands of meetings, I know how it works. These men do not want me to understand some of their topics of conversation.

Soren remains at the center of it all, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room as he speaks with authority, his words measured and confident as he addresses the concerns of his pack members.

There is something about this gathering, something that hints at a deeper truth lurking beneath the surface.

And as I watch the dynamics unfold before me, I can't shake the feeling that I am on the brink of uncovering a secret that could change everything.

As the meeting draws to a close and the men begin to disperse, I linger in the shadows, my mind swirling with questions.

What is Soren's connection to this world? And what does it mean for me, as someone who has stumbled into the midst of it all?

Author's Note: 

Don't forget to vote. 😊

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