Chapter 28

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When I wake up, I find myself in a cell. The cold, damp air clings to my skin, and the musty scent of mildew fills my nostrils. Panic sets in as I try to make sense of my surroundings. 

Why am I in a cell? 

What happened? 

Where is Soren?

My heart races with fear and confusion. "Hello?!" I call out, my voice echoing off the stone walls. This isn't my brother's pack. Timothy would never put me in a cell, so where am I?

 "Somebody?!" I yell again, desperation creeping into my voice.

The silence that follows is deafening. I stand up, the cold floor sending chills up my spine, and approach the bars, gripping them tightly as I peer into the darkness beyond. My thoughts race to everyone back at the Dusk Moon Pack. Are they okay? Have they been attacked?  I can't bear the thought of Soren fighting off those wolves alone.

"Anyone?!" I shout once more, my voice hoarse from the effort.

 The uncertainty gnaws at me, the not knowing eating away at my resolve. I have to find a way out, to get back to Soren and the pack, to ensure their safety and figure out what led me to this prison.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching. I press myself against the bars, trying to see who is coming. 

The figure that emerges from the shadows is none other than the Luna.

"Luna?" I sigh in relief upon seeing her familiar face. 

"Get me out of here. Where's Timothy?"

Her cold eyes bore into mine for a minute before she lets out a laugh. "What would Timothy want with a rogue such as yourself?" she spits, making me take a step back. 

Her words sting, and I feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes under her harsh gaze.

"You actually mated with a rogue," she continues, her voice dripping with disdain. "What? Being you wasn't pathetic enough? You had to go lower?"

I gulp, my fingers instinctively brushing against Soren's mark on my neck. He is alive. I can feel it.

"When I sent you there, I wanted you dead," the Luna hisses. "But I guess if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."

My mind races as I process her words. Sent me there? She orchestrated this? 

The betrayal cuts deep, and I struggle to maintain my composure. "Why?" I manage to choke out, my voice trembling.

She steps closer, her presence menacing. "You were always a thorn in my side, Sam. Weak, pathetic, unworthy of your father's protection. Mating with a rogue only solidified your disgrace."

My heart aches at her words, but anger begins to simmer beneath the surface. "Soren isn't just a rogue. He's an Alpha, He's my mate, and I love him."

The Luna's laughter echoes through the cell, cold and mocking. "Love? You think love will save you? You're delusional, just like your mother."

Her words strike a deep chord, igniting a mix of anger and sadness within me. "Don't you dare talk about my mother," I retort, my voice trembling.

She steps closer, her gaze piercing through me. "Your mother was a fool, just like you. Believing in love, in Mate-bonds that can never be broken. She thought she could change things, make the Alpha choose her.. Look where that got her."

My heart aches at the mention of my mother, but I refuse to let the Luna see my pain. "My mother was strong," I say firmly. "She believed in love Just like I believe in Timothy. He loves me because I'm his brother."

The Luna's eyes narrow, her expression turning even colder. "Your mother was weak, and so are you."

Anger boils within me, and I clench my fists. "You're wrong," I say through gritted teeth. "I'm not weak, and neither was my mother. She fought for as long as she could. And so will I." 

The Luna sneers, her lips curling in disdain. "Bold words for someone in a cell. But let's see how far your so-called love and strength will get you."

As she turns to leave, I feel a surge of determination. I can't let her win. I can't let her think I will give up so quick like my mother did. 

I have to find a way out of here, to protect my pack and my mate.

"Just let me talk to Timothy, please," I plead.

"I will bring him here. You will see for yourself how much he detests rogues, but more than anything, he detests Soren Thornbourn. And you, Sam, will be the one person he hates the most. Mated to his sworn enemy, a traitor, a rogue. You're doomed."

Her words send a chill down my spine. As much as I know Timothy loves me, his hatred for rogues and Soren is undeniable.

 I feel a wave of despair wash over me, knowing that my brother's feelings might outweigh his love for me.She sees the fear in my eyes and smiles triumphantly. "Yes, Sam. You see it now, don't you? Your own brother will turn his back on you. There's no escape from this."

I swallow hard, my mind racing. The Luna's cruel laughter echoes in my ears, but I can't let her words break me. "No, " I say, though my voice trembles. "Timothy loves me. He might hate rogues and Soren, but he won't abandon me."

She raises an eyebrow, her expression mocking. "Keep telling yourself that. We'll see what happens when Timothy arrives."

With that, she turns and walks away, leaving me alone in the cell once more. Her footsteps echo down the corridor, and the heavy door slams shut behind her. I slump against the wall, the cold and dampness seeping into my bones. My fingers brush against the mark Soren left on my neck, a small comfort amidst the fear and uncertainty.

 I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart.

"Please, Timothy," I whisper to the darkness. "Remember that I'm your brother."

But deep down, I know the Luna is right. Timothy's hatred runs deep, and I am caught in the middle of a conflict that seems impossible to resolve.

 I can only hope that the bond of family will be stronger than his hatred.  

Author's Note: 

Sort of a filler Chapter 🫠

see you! 

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