Chapter 17

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I gesture towards the silk pyjamas lying on the bench beside me. I can't help but notice the way Soren's eyes light up with shock with my unexpected behaviour. 

 Truth be told, I can't quite believe it myself. 

I can't deny it anymore; I'm getting used to everything,  the way he looks at me. The hunger in his gaze, which sends a shiver down my spine. I want him to only have eyes for me. 

Soren approaches me, his movements confident and sure and I can't suppress the flutter of excitement that stirs within me at that. 

"Of course, I can help you with that," He replies, his voice low and husky as he reaches for the pyjamas.

Without hesitation, his fingers are swift as he peels my shirt away from my body. I can't help but marvel at the sensation of his hands against my skin, his touch sending sparks of electricity dancing across my flesh.

I stand there, feeling a mixture of nerves and anticipation coursing through me as I allow Soren to undress me. 

It's a strangely intimate moment, one that leaves me feeling exposed and vulnerable in the best possible way. I didn't expect to feel this way. 

Before I know it, the pyjamas are draped over my outstretched arms, and Soren is guiding the pants down my leg, lifting my ankle with a gentleness that takes my breath away as I put the pants on, one leg at a time.

He steps back to admire his handiwork. 

As the material settles against my skin, I can't help but marvel at how comfortable and luxurious it feels.

"Thank you," I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper as I meet Soren's gaze, my heart pounding in my chest. 

I don't know what else to say.

Soren's lips curl into a soft smile, his eyes radiating warmth and tenderness as he reaches out to brush a stray lock of hair from my forehead with gentle fingers.

"Anytime," he replies, his voice sincere and reassuring. "I'm always here to help you put on your clothes. - And take them off -"

His unexpected quip catches me off guard, and I can't help but chuckle in response, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I cover my mouth in amusement. 

Soren's eyes crinkle slightly at the edges as he watches me laugh, a hint of satisfaction in his expression.

"I don't think I've ever seen you laugh," He remarks, his tone curious as he fastens the buttons of the Pyjamas shirt with practiced ease.

His observation catches me off guard, and I find myself momentarily taken aback by the sincerity in his voice. 

Soren steps back to examine the pyjamas, his eyes scanning over me with gentle scrutiny. "Are you comfortable in them?" he asks.

I nod eagerly, a wide smile spreading across my face at his approval.

"Good," he replies, his own smile mirroring mine.

But as our gazes meet, I can't help but notice the way his eyes flicker to my lips, a subtle hunger flashing in their depths.

Before I can stop myself, I find my lips parting in anticipation, a silent invitation hanging in the air. 

I  bite my bottom lip to stop myself. 

"Don't do that," Soren says suddenly, his voice low and commanding. 

I blink, startled by the sudden shift in his demeanour, only to realise that he has been watching me closely all along.

"Only I can bite your lips."

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