Chapter 20 ⚠️

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Soren grabs my wrists, looping the loose strand of rope through the headboard to keep me in place.

"Untie me now" I tell him 

He smiles with his brows slightly raised before he kisses me once again. 

His lips suck me in as his tongue circles mine before he bites down. I almost cry out, twisting and turning under him trying to break the kiss. 

 I hate being restrained and under his control, but at the same time, I have never felt more turned on.

He breaks the kiss finally and I take that as an opportunity to catch my breath. " I am not removing the rope, try and get used to them" he breaths covering his body with mine.

I open my mouth to protest but his warm lips start to trail kisses across my neck, moving down to my chest at an agonising speed.

By the time he reaches my nipples, I am fiercely pulling against the restraint. The fabric of my shirt and his lips moving against my skin sends electrifying sensations through me making me groan. 

"Ugh, ahh," I moan as Soren sucks on them one at a time, his tongue exploring my chest inch by inch.

My eyes try to adjust to the dark room to make out the silhouette of his body more clearly as I watch Soren's every movement but  I am too absorbed in the tingling pleasure coming from my nipples that I don't realise what Soren is doing until a finger purposefully jabs a particularly pleasurable spot inside me.

When did he take my pants and boxers off?!

I whine out in pleasure as my back arches at the contact. 

Then one finger becomes two.

"Relax." Soren tells me but he doesn't stop what he's doing. 

I glare up at him. 

relax? how about I stick my foot up your ass and ask you to relax.

It felt unfair of how I couldn't move away from his fingers, I was tied in place. All I could do is lie there and take it as two fingers becomes three, this is what being submissive meant.   

I am nothing more than a compliant puddle beneath the alpha. My mind blanks with every stroke at my prostate. "You're doing so well," He says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

My wolf purrs happily at his compliment. 

Soon, Soren is straddling me as he takes his shirt off revealing toned muscles and the faint sheen of sweat, He looked so hot. I'm glad I still had my shirt on though, my body compared to his was embarrassing. 

My eyes glance down and widen In horror.

  He has now taken off his pants and the sight in front of me is unbelievable. 

I can't help but let out a whimper at the sight of Soren's huge Coc-."No," I shake my head trying to erase my dirty thoughts. 

"I change my mind. That is not going anywhere near me."

I can't move, though.

"I will be gentle," Soren assures me, rubbing my thigh.

Something must be wrong with me, maybe I am high from all the pleasure because I believe him. 

 " okay?" he asks cupping my cheeks 

I nod. "okay" 

"It won't hurt... that bad," he teases, smirking as he pushes me further into the mattress, then I  feel him grind his cock down into my hole. The contact catches me off-guard. 

I almost let out a scream, but it's muffled by  Soren lips. 

The dry friction is  painful to say the least I couldn't handle it. "It hurts," I tell him, pulling away from the kiss to try and breathe through it. 

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