Chapter 3

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I always had this feeling that I was destined to walk a lonely path, the world has always cast me aside at every turn so I didn't think I would get a mate.

I was born a bastard, the product of a love that was never meant to be, I had grown accustomed to carrying the weight of my illegitimacy like a scarlet letter branded into my very soul because both my parents had never truly loved me or each other enough to defy the conventions of their packs and choose me.

I guess it is not fair to say my mother never loved me, she did, it just that her affection had always been tempered by the harsh realities of her existence, she could never truly give me the love and security I so desperately craved.

And, my father indifference to how I was treated in the pack as a child was always a bitter pill to swallow.

But amidst everything, How could fate be so cruel  to bind me to a man like Soren, a man who embodied everything I despised?

I can feel my whole body freeze in fear, unable to move or speak. I was at his mercy now, at the mercy of the man who held the power to destroy me. 

As I gaze back into his cold, soulless eyes, I knew that my fate was sealed for the worse. 

"you know what I do to trespassers?- And before you answer that, don't assume I will give you any special treatments just because you're my mate " he taunts, his voice dripping with scorn.

I struggle to find my voice, to form coherent thoughts in the face of his overwhelming presence.

 Every instinct screamed at me to flee but Soren's presence suffocated me, his aura radiating power and dominance that felt like a magnetic force that kept drawing me towards him.

His smirk widens as he observes my reaction, his eyes glittering with amusement at my distress.

"Maybe not  a special treatment but definitely a special punishment"

I grit my teeth at his words, refusing to let him see the extent of my fear. But deep down, I knew that I was no match for him, that he held all the power in this twisted game of fate.

I lower my gaze no longer unable to meet his cold eyes. "What do you want from me, Soren?" I finally manage to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper.

His grin widens at my question, a predatory gleam flickering in his eyes. "It's not what i want from you, it's what you want" he says, his tone dripping with malice. 

" Tell me, what do you want?"

As Soren's gaze bore into mine, I felt a chill run down my spine, my skin prickling with unease. "you see, I was expecting you" he laughs " I prepared for your arrival"

There was a darkness within him, i felt it. 

A coldness that seemed to seep into my very soul and freeze me from within as his expression hardens, his eyes narrowing into slits.  

" I have to do this, I hope you can forgive me"

I stare into the abyss of his soulless eyes. " you can go to hell." I grit out, my voice barely above whisper.

A flicker of amusement dances in his eyes at my defiance, his lips curling into a sardonic smile. "Oh, baby" he murmured, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "You really shouldn't have said that. Now I won't feel bad."

He turns to leave the room, leaving me alone with two goons who couldn't even make eye contact with me.

I didn't realise what I was in for until Soren returned, accompanied by a few of his rogue. 

They are carrying an array of weapons, their gleaming edges catching the dim light of the room as they advance towards me with predatory intent.

Soren's smirk widens as he surveys the scene before him, his eyes alight with sadistic amusement.

"It seems i'm caught in quite a predicament, I don't know which one to choose" he taunts, his voice dripping with malice.

I brace myself for whatever torment he had in store, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and resistance.

I refuse to show weakness to his face, to give him the satisfaction of seeing me crumble beneath him.

Soon, Soren selects a wicked-looking knife from the pile of weapons, twirling it deftly between his fingers as he walks towards me.

The blade glinted menacingly in the dim light, it's silver.

A shiver runs down my spine as he looms over me with an air of superiority. "You see, mate" he murmurs, his voice low and dangerous. "Nobody speaks to me like you just did, I have to punish you now"

Before I can react, he lunges forward, the sharp tip of the blade grazing my cheek with a painful slash.

I grit my teeth against the sting of the wound, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me flinch.

But Soren was relentless, he wanted to see me in pain. his attack coming fast and furious as he toys with me like a cat with its prey.

Each blow lands with a sickening thud, each cut leaving behind a trail of blood and agony in its wake.

I fight back with every ounce of strength I could muster, my fists clenched in futile defiance as I struggled against the ropes that bound me.

But it was no use. Soren was too strong, too cunning.

As the pain threatens to overwhelm me, I close my eyes and pray for it to end, for the nightmare to finally be over.

But deep down, I knew that this was only the beginning

Soren's laughter echoes throughout the room, a chilling symphony of cruelty that filled me with dread.

He reveals in my suffering, relishing every moment of my pain as if it were a prize to be savoured.

when I thought I could take no more, Soren thankfully stops. His sadistic grin fading into a cold, calculating expression. 

"You're lucky, ," he sighs, his voice dripping with contempt. "I am bored with you. "

With a final taunting glance, he turns and strides out of the room, leaving me  broken in his wake.

I stand there, battered and bruised, and still a flicker of defiance burned within me. I refused to let Soren Thornbourn break me, to reduce me to nothing.

No matter what horrors awaited me in the days to come, I would find the strength to endure, to survive. Stay alive for one month, timothy will come and rescue me.

the silver still burned within my skin as one of the rogues starts to remove the bindings from my hand.

As my hands fall to my side, my body goes limp but before I can collapse to the ground the rogue catches me, his arms strong and sure as he lowers me gently into the cold, hard floor.

I desperately try to open them as i feel him carry me. But despite my efforts, I couldn't help drift in and out of consciousness, the world spinning dizzily around me as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.

When I finally regain awareness, I find myself back in the familiar confines of the first room, lying on the same bed where this nightmare had begun.

my hands are not tied but my ankles are bound firmly to the bed, I wanted to sit up and untie myself and escape but my body refused to obey me, weakened by the silver.

I lay there, helpless and vulnerable, my mind swirling.

With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes and surrender to the darkness. 

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