Part 3

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2 days later...

It was only 7:25 in the morning and yet the halls were already bustling with students.

'I always came early to everything, but today it seems like I came.... too early.'

As she walked through the empty hallways, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Did school always looked that scary in the dark?

She entered her classroom and took her usual seat, beside Nagi, who also happened to arrive early.

She debated whether or not to go sit somewhere else or even go outside, not wanting to make things awkward. But before she could make a decision, he looked up from his phone and saw her.

For a moment, they both just sat there in awkward silence, not sure what to say or do. She fidgeted with her backpack strap, trying to come up with something to break the tension. Finally, she cleared her throat and mustered up the courage to speak.

"Hi Nagi," she said, offering a small smile.
"Hey," he replied, his tone cautious.

They both lapsed into silence once again, not knowing what to say next.

But then, unexpectedly, he spoke up again.
"Oh, by the way, here." He said, handing the notebooks.
"Ah, right. Thanks, did you read everything?"
"Uh huh,"
"Literally every note I told you to read?"

Y/N narrowed her eyes in suspicion before eventually deciding to believe him.

"Okay. Are you free today for another study session?"
He turned his head to her with small visible pout, "...Again?"
"Of course! We just started after all."

He slammed his head to the table,
"It's such a pain to go there everyday..."
"Believe me, it's for mine and your own good." She replied, patting his shoulder in reassurance.

Nagi's expression softly frowned,
"Why are you suddenly tutoring me anyway? I know that teacher asked you to do so, but isn't that too much of a hassle?"

Y/N slightly sweatdropped,
'Oh right, he doesn't know the reason. I forgot.'

"Well, Mr. Stirling said that he will put A+ on every test I will take if your grades will improve! That's why I'm very eager to help you!" She started,
"Plus, we don't always need to study at library, I just find it more peaceful to be at, we sometimes can study in class too!"

Nagi sighed, "...Then I guess I am free."
"Alright! Let's meet up at library like yesterday."

Just when Y/N thought she couldn't take the awkward silence any longer, the teacher walked in. She let out a sigh of relief as she could finally focus her attention elsewhere.

Shizuko sneaked in behind Y/N and patted her head, "Good morning Y/N~"

"Oh, morning Shizu. Did you got Xiao like you wanted?" Y/N asked, turning her body around to face her friend.

"Yep! I'm so glad man, he's hella awesome. But the only thing I don't like about him is that his HP goes lower in the duration of his burst."

Y/N nodded, "Totally, that sucks. But I think healer in your team will solve that problem?"

Shizuko tilted her head, "Hmm... what characters I should use for example?"

"Characters that can follow him, like Barbara or Qiqi."

Nagi's sudden voice startled both of the girls,causing Shizuko to squint her eyes at another awkwardness in the air.

"Uh, thanks."

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