Part 12

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Another usual school day came, where Y/N was peacefully all by herself and wasn't bothering anyone.

The otherwise tranquil school day of Y/N was disrupted by an unexpected encounter.

As she went about her usual routine, Nagi approached her with a torrent of complaints.

"Hm? Nagi?-"

However, what he did next, made Y/N let out a gasp when he leaned all his weight onto her figure with quiet sigh of content.

"Hey! You're heavy!"
"I'm tired..." He mumbled with low groan.
"So leaning on me is not bothersome huh?"
He shakes his head against her hair, "Nah,"
"Your practices have been going only for 2 days! Plus, you're so sweaty!"

Y/N, who was accustomed to a peaceful day devoid of distractions, found herself caught off guard by this sudden outburst. Of course she would, imagine a 190 cm guy launching onto you like a teddy bear out of nowhere.

"Nagi I'm serious! Please get off me..."

Without even looking up at his face,
Y/N knew that he was pouting.
"Give me a break."

As the scene played out before them, Reo, Nagi's close companion, witnessed the unfolding spectacle with a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

'He really likes Y/N's scent huh?'

Unable to tolerate Nagi's incessant laziness any longer, Reo let out a sigh before his voice boomed through the crowded hallway, "Ah Nagi! There you are buddy!"

Nagi who visibly tensed at Reo's voice, sweatdropped, 'Aw man...'

"Heard him? Reo's calling you!"
He whined, "I know!"

With a firm grip on Nagi's arm, he forcefully dragged him to his feet and marched him towards the football practice grounds.

"Come on big guy, festival is close! We need to be ready."
Reo nodded, satisfied with answer, "Good!" Then turned his head at the girl, "Bye Y/N! Good luck with chemistry exam today!"

As Y/N's friends bid farewell and made their way towards the school yard, she waved at them, her little smile illuminating her countenance.

However, when she started spacing out, an unexpected sensation interrupted her reverie.

A gentle poke at her back sent a shiver down her spine, momentarily snapping her out of her peaceful trance.

Instinctively, she whirled around, her eyes scanning the faces of the people behind her, searching for the source of the unexpected touch. To her surprise, it was Leon, her male friend, standing there with a mischievous grin etched across his face.

"Leon! You scared me there for a second.."
"Haha sorry! Your spaced out face was kinda funny, no offense-"
Y/N lightly shaked her head with a wave of her hand, "Nah you're good. Anyway, did you needed something?"

Leon clasped his hands together while batting his long eyelashes, "Please help me in chemistry exam?"
"Please Y/N! I did prepare yesterday but I'm still so nervous that I won't pass it well!"
"...You were studying?" Y/N raised her eyebrow in suspicion, not really trusting his words.

"Okay maybe not really... but still! I remember the formulas and all but-"
"Alright alright, I get it. Sure, I will try to help you if teacher won't spot us."

Leon grinned, sunlight from the window making his face features glow, "Hahaha! Thank you Y/N!"

Y/N grimaced awkwardly, "...Sure thing."

'I wanna look this pretty too...'

"Anyway, let's get to class," Y/N turned on her heel and made her way to the classroom.
"Wait for me!"
"Then don't be-"

Y/N froze in the middle of walking as she suddenly realised something. She turned her head at Leon with raised eyebrow again.

Seems like the boy, already knew what she's gonna say as he sweatdropped and looked away.

"...Hey Leon?"
"...Weren't you supposed to go with Reo and Nagi to the field?"

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