Part 23

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It started as a drizzle, barely noticeable rain at first, but soon grew into a steady downpour. Seeking shelter, they ducked into the awning of a bakery, the sweet scent of bread and pastries momentarily distracting them from the downpour.

As the rain intensified, Y/N realized with a sinking feeling that she had forgotten her keys.

'Oh shit....'

Nagi noticed her worried expression and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Ahahahaha.... I forgot my keys..." she muttered, her voice barely audible above the roar of the storm.

A pang of panic followed as she dialed her mom's number, hoping she wouldn't be caught in the deluge herself.
Relief washed over her when the familiar ring tone answered, followed by her mom's voice.

"Mom! I forgot my keys!"
"...Hello to you too."

Y/N explained the whole situation, her voice laced with worry, she didn't revealed Nagi's name since she didn't wanted to hear teasing from her own mother. Since she knew that she would never hear the end of it.

"Oh sweetie. You should have called me earlier. Did you forgot that just today me and your dad flied to the countryside? Why don't you stay at your friends house for the night? Tommorow I will be back and pick you up from there." her mom suggested, the sound of complete innocence in her voice.

'Oh right... My thoughts were so consumed with the festival that I completely forgot...'

Y/N felt her cheeks burn. Nagi's house? Her mind went blank. Oh my god. The thought of spending the night at his house, alone with him, was both exciting and terrifying.

And she couldn't stay at Shizuko's house either, Shizuko is too busy with packing her things for her flight and her house is too far away.

Her heart hammered against her ribs, making it difficult to speak. "I... I don't know," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

The silence stretched between them, laced with anticipation and a sense of nervous excitement, leaving Y/N struggling to find the words to voice her hesitation and her embarrassment.

"What do you mean by that? I'm sure your friend won't mind? Are you too embarrassed? I don't get it."

Silence. Slowly enough, Y/N's mother realized.

"...Wait, is your friend a-"
"No! Thank you mom! Yeah, my friend.. she won't mind at all! She's totally okay with it! Bye love you!"

Y/N hung up the call and let out a tired sigh. She can already see the picture of her mother teasing her once she picks her up.

"...Since when I'm a girl?" Nagi mumbles in confusion.
"It's my for own sake, believe it or not."
"Uh... okay then."

As they stood, dripping slightly onto the tiled floor, Y/N cast a hesitant glance towards the window. "It's really coming down out there," she shyly mumbled.

"Do you think maybe... I could stay over at your place tonight?" Her cheeks flushed under the warm bakery lights, and Nagi's mind instantly went blank.

He felt his own cheeks burn, a stark contrast to his usual cool demeanor. He glanced at Y/N, his eyes widening slightly. He tried to maintain his trademark lazy composure, but the tremor in his fingers betrayed him instantly.

His mind raced, trying to find the right words, but all he could come up with was a mumbled "Sure.." a stark contrast to his usual flippant replies.

He knew he couldn't just leave her stranded in this weather, and the thought of her being alone in the rain was unbearable.

She blinked, completely avoiding his gaze at all cost. "...Really? You don't mind?"
"Uh yeah.. why not. My parents are not home anyway and I have my keys with me." He scratched the back of his neck, "My house is pretty near too, so-"

Y/N immediately stood up from her chair in a speed of light. "Awesome! Cool! Let's get going then!"

She grabbed her bag and quickly made her way to the door. Nagi stared at her in a little bit of, confusion. But he shrugged it off and walked over to Y/N.

"We gotta run fast okay? Just follow me." He muttered.
"Okay." She fixed her hair and said, "I'm ready."

Nagi reached his hand for the doorknob and sighed, "Alright. 1, 2 and.. 3!" He opened the door. "Run!"

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