Part 25

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As she stepped out of the shower, the cool air of the room greeted her, causing goosebumps to form on her skin. She wrapped herself in a fluffy towel, relishing the comforting softness against her body.

Remembering that she had no clothes to wear, Y/N hesitantly called out to Nagi, who was in the living room.

As much as embarrassing it is to ask, she did needed the clothes to wear. Plus, she gets to wear Nagi's clothes, which is a big win for her.

He cracked his neck and made his way to the bathroom door. "Yeah?"
With a hint of nervousness in her voice, Y/N made her request, "Nagi, would you mind if I.. borrowed some of your clothes?"

Nagi nodded with small audible hum. "...Yeah, sure. Be right back."

He quickly entered his room and started rummaging through his closet.
'Hmm... Which one should I give to her? This shirt is too large, this one is gonna be too revealing for her... Oh, these pants should be her size. I think.'

After a few minutes, he retrieved a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants from his closet. With final nod, he walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

Y/N slightly cracked opened the door and as Nagi handed the clothes to her, she noticed the slight tremble in his hands, a detail that she wanted to tease him about but was too flustered.

Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, Nagi's cheeks remained a faint shade of pink and his head was turned away from her face, even if she was covered in towel.

Y/N tried her best to not scream at the cute sight. "Thank you Nagi,"
"O-Of course. Once you're done, come to the kitchen, okay?"
"Got it!"

She then retreated back into the bathroom, clutching the clothes to her chest. 'His cologne smells nice...'

She slipped into them, grateful for the warmth and comfort they provided. The shirt hung loosely on her, revealing her delicate collarbones and making her feel cozy.

She checked herself out in the mirror. 'I look pretty cool with this shirt... Sheesh, I wanna keep it to myself.'

Y/N quickly dried off her hair and put the used towel to the washing machine. She took a deep breath before stepping back into Nagi's apartment. The cool air of his apartment made shivers run down her spine. Y/N left the bathroom and found the living room empty.

"Nagi?" she called out, her voice echoing in the stillness. No answer.

After a few moments of searching, she found him in the kitchen, his back turned towards her as he prepared lemon tea. She smiled at the sight.

Emboldened by his silence, Y/N spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hey Nagi, I'm finally done! Thank you once again."

He paused, a slight hesitation before he turned to face her. His cheeks were flushed, a deep red that clashed with his otherwise stoic expression.

Y/N couldn't help but notice the way his eyes flickered towards her for a brief moment before he nodded, averting his gaze. "Of course.. Uh," he pointed his finger at the chair and said, "you can take a seat there. The soup is finally warm enough to eat."

Y/N felt a warmth spreading through her, a mix of gratitude and a strange, unfamiliar emotion she couldn't quite place. "Okay!"

The aroma of warm chicken soup filled the air, making her mouth water and her stomach rumble in anticipation. She watched as Nagi carefully ladled the soup into two bowls, his concentration etched on his face.

Y/N quietly giggled. 'He looks so cute when he's concentrated... I wanna squish his cheeks so bad!'

Once everything was ready, Nagi and Y/N sat down at the table, their bowls of soup in front of them.

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