Part 21

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The cafe door chimed shut behind them, the gentle bell's sound a stark contrast to the storm brewing within Nagi.

He was silent, his face a mask of simmering anger, the air around him thick with barely-contained fury. As they reached the sidewalk, Y/N, still bewildered by the abrupt exit, finally broke the silence, "What happened in there? You just... stormed out." She tilted her head, trying to understand the sudden change in Nagi's demeanor.

Y/N's curiosity was understandable , she's oblivious to the scene that had unfolded in the cafe.

Nagi didn't respond, his eyes fixed on the busy street, his fists clenched at his sides. He finally sighed, a harsh, ragged sound, "The guy at the cash register... he wouldn't stop looking at you. He...he was staring at you in a way that made me..." He faltered, his voice rough with suppressed emotion. "He was being disrespectful, in short." he finally muttered, his voice laced with a barely audible tremor.

Y/N frowned, her heart sinking as she finally pieced together the puzzle. She had felt his gaze, a persistent, uncomfortable stare that lingered far too long. She had simply thought he was being overly attentive, but now, seeing the turmoil in Nagi's eyes, she understood the intensity of his anger.

He had stepped in to protect her, to defend her against a disrespect she hadn't even consciously noticed. The thought warmth her heart. "So that's what happened.." she said softly, her voice laced with concern, "Thank you for standing up for me. It means a lot."

"Sure, it wasn't a problem. His face looked punchable anyway." He shrugged with huff.

Y/N, still reeling from the shock, couldn't help but feel grateful. She'd never seen Nagi so angry, his normally charming demeanor replaced by a fierce determination to protect her.

"Come on," Nagi said, his voice softer now, laced with a hint of worry. "Let's go and forget about that creep. Wanna go to arcade?" The suggestion was a welcome distraction.

"Yeah sure!" Y/N nodded, her cheeks still flushed from the encounter and the aftermath of Nagi's righteous anger.

But beneath the embarrassment, a warmth spread through her chest. The thought of spending the rest of the afternoon with Nagi, laughter and games replacing the memory of the incident, was a comforting balm on the raw nerves left by the encounter.

As they walked towards the bustling arcade, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the sidewalk, Nagi looked down to the ground.

'I think, everything is going well... How Reo explained to me yesterday.'


"Alright, listen up Nagi," Reo declared, leaning back against the wall of his room, a sly grin playing on his lips. "You're finally seeing the light, huh? About Y/N, I mean. Took you long enough." He chuckled, "But hey, better late than never. Now, you need a plan, a foolproof one."

Reo scratched his chin with finger, thinking of the plan. Then, he snapped them as he smiled. "Here's what we're gonna do. I'll invite you and Y/N to the cafe downtown, you know, the one with the amazing cheesecake? We'll make sure to get there before the crowd, and then..." he paused for dramatic effect, "...I'll conveniently have to take a call, like, really important, and disappear for a bit. That leaves you two all alone, to eat cake together." Reo winked, "And after the cafe, you two can hit up the arcade. You can show off your skills, you know, you're pretty good at those shooting games." He smirked, "And hey, maybe Y/N will even want to play a two-player game with you. That's your cue for some romantic bonding, understand? Don't screw this up, Nagi. This is your chance to finally make a move."

"Ooh, that's a cool plan Reo. Thanks." Nagi mumbled, with his casual lazy expression. However, his cheeks became red, just the thought of being alone with Y/N made him a little bit shy.

Reo laughed out loud the second he saw Nagi's cheeks. "Gosh dude, who knew you were that cute?"

"Shut up...."
"Yeah yeah," he waved his hand in mock. "But listen, treat Y/N well, alright?"

Nagi blinked. Reo's caring words caught him off guard. "Of course. I'll.. try my best."

"You won't try! You will do your best! You got it?!" He shaked his head and flicked Nagi's forehead.
"Owh! Okay okay..."

"But wait, what should I do after me and her are done with arcade?"
"Well, that's what you should come up with on your own!" He playfully made a heart with his hands and said, "You know how they say, showing your love to the other in your own way is the true love."

"...Who is they?"
"Ugh just listen to my advice will you?!"


The air crackled with the excited chirps of arcade games, the flashing lights reflecting in Nagi Seishiro's deep grey eyes.

"Hey! Let's go to that racing game over there!" She glanced at him with excitement.
He nods. "...Sure."

He watched Y/N, her brow furrowed in concentration as she deftly maneuvered her character through a particularly tricky level of the racing game. The way her fingers danced across the buttons, the way her lips pursed slightly in frustration when she got a bad score, it all made his heart flutter.

He wanted to tell her, to confess his feelings, to see that same focused expression turn towards him, but the words wouldn't come.

'Maybe I should just... give her some hints. Mhm.'

He sat beside her, subtly brushing their shoulders together as he pretended to offer advice. "Maybe try using the boost there," he said, his voice a smooth velvet whisper as he leaned closer, hoping she'd feel the heat radiating off him.

He'd point out her impressive score with small smile, hoping his gaze would convey the admiration he felt for her. But Y/N, lost in the world of virtual racing, remained oblivious to his subtle attempts. He watched her, a mixture of frustration and unpatience bubbling within him.

Was she truly that blind to his obvious affection? He knew they were just friends, but he couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, she felt something, too.

He watched her win yet another race, a triumphant smile lighting up her face, and sighed. He would have to find a more direct way to express his feelings, a way that couldn't be missed, a way that would finally break through her obliviousness. And fast.

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