Part 8

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Weeks have passed ever since Nagi and Y/N became friends. It's maddening really - how time flies fast. Nagi feels like it's been only 3 days.

"Yes that's correct, now this step,"
"What is that?"
"...It's a plus."
"Why you wrote it.. so weirdly?"
"Huh?! It doesn't look weird!"
"It does..."
"Oh Nagi... You can't be talking right now."

As they sat in the dimly lit library, surrounded by towering bookshelves and the quiet rustling of pages,

Nagi turned to Y/N and called out her name softly.

The said girl stopped reading and looked up, "Yes?"

"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure! You don't understand the solution?"
"No, not that.."
"Oh, what is it then?"

"Why.. do you like working so hard?" He asked, genuinely curious.

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow until small smile crept up to her face before answering. "Well, that question is kinda hard to answer, but for me, there's a certain satisfaction that comes with accomplishing something and knowing that I did my absolute best. It's a feeling of pride and accomplishment that can't be matched."

Her passion for hard work was evident in her words and Nagi found himself intrigued.

"But doesn't it get tiring, always pushing yourself to do better?" he asked, almost hesitant.

She shook her head, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Hmmm... It can be challenging at times, but that's what makes it so rewarding. I know that by working hard, I am setting myself up for success and that is something I strive for."

Nagi nodded with shining eyes, understanding her perspective. "I see... Now I know why you are friends with Reo."

"You're both determined and hardworking people, you two have the same passion, no wonder how you guys got along."

Y/N cracked up another smile, crossing her arms over her chest, "That's interesting how you noticed."

The girl took out her phone and checked the time, "Oh shoot! The school is gonna close soon!"

Nagi yawned and stretched his arms over his head with small puff.

"Man I'm exhausted..."
"You worked very well today Nagi! But now we gotta hurry up before the staff will close the gates."

Both of them reached for their bags and stuffed their notebooks,along with their pencil cases and other needed things.

As they made their way out of the library, Y/N took a look around the hall and noticed that it was empty.

"Woah, everyone already left huh?"
"Maybe because its late outside.."
"Don't be an Einstein here."

But when Y/N took a step forward, the loud thud erupted and caused Y/N to yelp. Complete opposite of Nagi's usual lazy expression on his face.

"What the fuck was that?!"
"Dunno... Maybe someone is here."
"But no one stays that late in school!"

Nagi sighed, ruffling his hair, "Y/N, you're overreacting..."
"W-Whats wrong with that?! It's dark outside with not any single soul here! How can I not get scared by a loud sound?!" She whisper-yelled.

He slowly blinked at Y/N's statement and turned around on his heel. "Let's get going."

But as they made their way down the gates, a sense of unease began to creep over Y/N.

Even if Nagi didn't really felt fear, he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something felt off.

As they turned down a dimly lit alleyway, the sound of rustling leaves caught their attention.

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