Part 2

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"I'm asking you to tutor Nagi Seishiro."
"That white-haired guy who always sleeps in lessons?"
"Yes. Him."

All you wanted to do today just to go to school and go back home, usual routine for you. But your teacher, Mr. Stirling, suddenly decided to change your plans.

Awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck, you asked, "But, why me sir?"
"I already asked all A+ students the same but they rejected my offer immediately.. You're the last smartest student in my list."
"...And you thought that I'll accept?"
"Please Y/N, he's the only student in this class who has bad grades! In this school, each of the class has smart and hardworking students. We are almost an exception because of him, our rank will get low!"

'He really thinks I care...'

You let out a sigh, slightly rubbing the bridge of your nose.
'I hope I don't regret this.'

"Okay, I will."
"Awesome! If his grades will get slightly higher, I will put A+ in every of your test!"
Your eyes lit up, "Woah?! Then deal!"
"Very good! I'm wishing you luck!" He exclaimed while making his way towards teachers office.

'Hmm, I wonder what that Nagi guy is like?'

Lunch eventually came over and Shizuko decided to have it with you in your class, she took any chair that wasn't used and placed it next to your desk.

"...Nagi? Nagi Seishiro?" Shizuko blinked.
You nodded with small hum, "Yeah, what is he like?"

She tapped on her chin with her point finger in attempt to remember something.

"Well, what everyone knows about him is that he's very lazy."
"Oh. Kinda not surprising. What else?"
"Hmmm, also, everyone calls him a bit sloppy, like, he's ugly and not really pretty."
"...That's rude. Now I feel bad."
She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't think he cares tho, he always wears bored expression. You never know what goes through his mind."
"Is that so?"
"Yup. Why... are you suddenly asking about him anyway?"
You slightly groaned, "I was asked by Mr. Stirling to tutor Nagi, that's why."

Shizuko's eyes slightly widened at your statement, though you were too busy of thinking methods of studying for Nagi to notice her body slightly tense.

"Oh, that.. sucks."
"Yeah, I know. But if his grades will improve, Mr. Stirling will put A+ in every of my test!"
"Wow, that offer surely sounds good!"
"I know right?"
"Right, so... you won't be walking home with me for a few days?"
"Yeah, sorry for that. I will tutor him somewhere in library or in class after lessons, hopefully he won't be too lazy."

'In k-dramas whenever a girl and boy study together after lessons for weeks they always end up being a couple! As much as I hate being selfish... I don't want anyone to steal Y/N from me.'

"Alright then," She stood up from the chair, walking to the door, "Good luck N/N."

You titled your head with small smile,
"Thanks Shizuko."
She softly smiled back, "Of course."

As soon as Shizuko left the class, she clutched her shirt where her heart was.
'God she's so cute..'


15 minutes break started, which Y/N took as an opportunity to talk to Nagi.

She walked over to his desk and tapped on his shoulder.
"Hey Nagi."

He slowly stirred awake and raised his head up at the sound of her voice.
"Hm..?" He mumbled.

'...He isn't even that ugly.'

"Hi there, I was asked by Mr. Stirling to tutor you after lessons. Are you okay with studying in the library?"
"Uh... dunno, I guess?"
"Good. Just don't forget about it please."
"Uh huh..."
"See you after lessons then."

Later that evening.

As the sun set and the last bell rang, signaling the end of another long day at school, Nagi walked over to the exit, but Y/N made it in time and stopped him by pulling his arm.

He stopped in his tracks, "Huh?"
"Where are you going?! Didn't I told you that we need to study?"
"Oh... sorry I forgot."
"Why am I not surprised..." She mumbled to herself, slowly letting go his arm, "Anyway, let's head to the library."

Y/N and Nagi made their way to the library in awkward silence.

"Hey uh, what was your name again?"
"...I'm offended. But name is Y/N, don't forget it because I'm not gonna repeat it."

As they settled down at a table, Y/N pulled out her neatly organized notes and textbooks while Nagi let out a small yawn and stared at all her notebooks with half-lidded eyes.

"Alright, in what subjects do you get the worst grades?"
He slowly blinked, "...In geometry and algebra."
"Hmm... I can help with that, just promise me that you will listen."
"I promise."

Despite Nagi's laziness, Y/N couldn't bring herself to give up on him.

'He has the potential to do well, he just needs a little push in the right direction.' She silently exclaimed in her mind.

Y/N patiently sat with him and went through her notes, explaining concepts and quizzing him on important details. Nagi, who usually had no interest in studying, found himself actually enjoying the subject a little bit as Y/N's enthusiasm and dedication rubbed off on him.

"I don't get it. Why do we need to find x and y if they are right next to each other?" Nagi asked, pointing at the triangle.
Y/N lightly chuckled, "...You do have a point but that's not how it works, you dummy."

As the evening went on, the library gradually filled up with students, all preparing for upcoming exams. Y/N and Nagi were so engrossed in their studies that they didn't even notice the time passing by. It wasn't until the librarian announced that the library was closing that they realized they had been studying for hours.

"Oh! Sorry ma'am, we'll leave now!"
Y/N rubbed his shoulder, "C'mon Nagi, stand up, we are leaving."

As they walked out of the library, Y/N handed him the notes.
"Here, take it and read them at home. You were really quiet and understanding the whole study session. Well done."
"Thanks, bye now."
"Bye Nagi." She turned on her heel and walked away.

Nagi's eyes stood still on her figure until she was out of sight.
"Hey Nagii!"

"Hm? Oh, hi Reo."
"What's up? Who's notebook is that?"
"Y/N gave me."
"Huh? Y/N? Did you asked her or something? You're actually studying?"
"She told me to read the written concept and all the solutions."
"Ah, so she... studied with you, huh?"
"...Interesting.Well, let's get going."

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