Part 11

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3 years ago...

Growing up, Y/N always looked up to her cool and confident best friend Shizuko, who was just one year older than her. To Y/N, she seemed like she had everything figured out and she always admired her for that.

Little did she know, she needed her help in one particular aspect of their lives - getting through the dreaded period. Y/N clearly remembers the day how Shizuko approached her sheepishly and confided to her that she had started her period and had no idea what to do.

She could see the fear and nervousness in her eyes, and her heart went out to her. Despite being younger, Y/N had already experienced her first period and knew exactly what she was going through. Without hesitation, she took her under her wing and helped her.

"You okay there? Will 3 pads be enough for you?" Y/N asked, carefully peeking out her head.
"...Yeah. I'm fine. I will leave school early today anyway, thank you so much N/N,"
She nodded, "Of course! Thats the least I could do. Your stomach doesn't hurt right?"
"Not at all! I mean, it kinda does but doesn't makes me sick."
"Oh! Great to hear that! Wanna go to class now?"
"Yeah, just wait for me here alright? Wanna wash my hands real quick." She replied, opening the door.

As soon as she washed her hands and wiped them with a towel, she threw an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

"Hahaha, what's wrong? Got scared?"
"Well, sudden physical contact always catches me off guard."
"Awh man, you're so cute N/N!"
"Be quiet will you? People are staring..."
"Meh, who cares N/N? They're just jealous that we look the coolest among them all."
Y/N laughed, patting her hand, "Right. How I didn't thought of that."
"Come on! You could have just agreed with me!"
"Okay okay, I totally agree with you."
"Now that's the spirit! Let's go, Miss Johnson gonna suspect that we are skipping class."
"She's gonna suspect YOU. Not me. I'm her favourite student."
Shizuko raised her thumb upside down, "Booo!"
"Cry about it." Y/N replied with a smirk.


Weekends finally came. Which Y/N took as opportunity to hang out with Shizuko. It's been awhile ever since they had a private girl dinner.

When Y/N finally reached their agreed destination, she waved her hand and called out Shizuko's name.

"Hey Shizukoo!"

Shizuko was dressed in a long classical brown jacket, along with black turtleneck and silver necklace with moon symbol.

Tearing her eyes from the phone, the girl smiled, "Oh! Hey N/N! What's up?"

"Meh. Nothing much-" Y/N shrugged, letting her eyes fall to the motorcycle, that was standing behind Shizuko.

"Woah Shizu! When did you started driving the motorcycle?!" She audibly gasped, crouching down to the motorcycle to inspect it closer.

Shizuko chuckled, "Not long ago. I was planning on telling you today! I got that baby 3 days ago."

"That's amazing! How is that type of motorcycle called?"

"It's called cross motorcycle! I really love it. I specifically chose this one so we both could ride on it together.."

Y/N cooed, side hugging her friend with grin, "Awh, you're so thoughtful Shizu!"

She hugged her back, with small blush on her cheeks, "Of course.."

As they walked down the street, Shizuko couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Y/N's eye whenever she mentioned Nagi.

Y/N had always been a math nerd and she had taken the request from her teacher to help a struggling student in her class. They had been meeting up regularly and Y/N had been so happy to see his progress and how he was finally understanding the concepts.

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