Part 5

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a/n: Himari is Y/N's mother name!!

Although Y/N and Reo had been friends for a long time now, she couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by Reo's extravagant lifestyle.

But before she could even process what was happening, Ba-ya opened the door for her.
"Good evening Miss Y/N, please get in."
"...Good evening."

Y/N hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit hesitant about getting into such a fancy car with her school uniform and messy hair.

However, Reo warmly smiled at her and said, "Oh c'mon, why are you so shy? Get in!"
She sighed, "Okay.."

As Ba-ya started to drive, Reo pressed his finger on a small button on the arm seat and it pulled out a lime flavored soda.

"Wait! Where did you got that soda from? I couldn't find them anywhere in the stores!"
"You mean this one? I ordered it online when I remembered that it was your favourite."
"Awh Reo, so sweet and attentive as always." Y/N teased.
The said male smugly smiled, "Of course! Anything for my friends!"

Y/N poured the soda on the glass and took a sip with content sigh, "Man, I missed this drink soo much."

"Glad you enjoy it!"
She put down the glass on the table and turned her head to Reo in suspicion, "Wait, do you have something to tell me if you're giving me a ride and offering me my favourite soda?"
Reo tapped his finger on the cup and smiled, "Oh right!"

He properly sat up, "Listen. I recently started to get interested in soccer!"
"Awesome! For how long?? Are you good at it?"
"Well.. I personally think I am? But I'm gonna participate in sports festival with Hakuho team! So you better be there and cheer for me!"
"Of course! Can't wait to see you in play Mr. Rich Guy."

As they drove through the streets, the city lights illuminated their surroundings, creating a magical atmosphere.

Before she knew it, they had arrived at her house. Ba-ya parked the car in front of her house and Reo walked her to the door.

"Thanks for the ride once again."
He smiled, "No problem at all, oh by the way,"
"Will you have another tutoring session with Nagi tommorow?"
"Uh, yeah! Why asking?"

Reo silently looked away in deep thought before shaking his head, "...Nothing! See ya tommorow!"
"Um.. yeah, bye."

Well, that was weird, she thought with confused expression.

With a pile of books in one hand and her keys in the other, she made her way back home. As she walked through the door, she was greeted with the sudden warm embrace of her mother.

"You're here! We were so worried!"
"What do you mean?-"
"It's 9 p.m. already young lady! You didn't told me anything! No texts no calls!"

Y/N rubbed the bridge of her nose, "Mom. I already texted you that I will be home late because I stayed at school to tutor my classmate."
Himari took out her phone with scoff, "Nonsense! You didn't send me-"

Soon Himari's expression softened when she noticed the message where Y/N did warned her beforehand.

She smiled, hugging Y/N once again, "Welp! My bad sweetie!~"
"You can be ridiculous sometimes mom."
"Okay okay I get it! My bad honey..."
"It's alright, don't worry mum."
Himari pulled away, still keeping her hands on Y/N's shoulders, "But did you really stayed that late there?"
"Nope. I left at 7:30 p.m. actually, Reo gave me a ride and because of hard traffic jam, I came late."

"Oh? Reo Mikage right?"
"Yep, him."
"What a sweetheart!" She chirped.

Himari took off her apron and walked to the kitchen, "Take off your shoes and wash your hands! I will give you left overs!"
"Alright!" Y/N yelled out from the hallway.

The Next Day...

As the clock struck noon, Nagi let out a quiet sigh of relief. It was finally lunch break, and after a grueling morning of math class, he was ready to take a break and refuel.

But as he gathered his books and made his way towards the door, he noticed a familiar figure sitting at the back of the classroom.

'Oh, it's Y/N... Maybe I will ask her if she could help me with today's topic. I'm sure she won't mind.'

Instead of immediately heading to canteen, Nagi found himself walking towards Y/N's desk.

"Hm?" Y/N looked up from her notes and small smile appeared on her face as she recognized Nagi.

"Ah Nagi, what's up?"
"Um, Y/N, can you help me with these math problems during lunch? I could really use your help."

To his surprise, Y/N's smile widened,
"Sure thing!"
She quickly packed her things and followed Nagi out of the classroom.

As they made their way to canteen, Nagi slowly moved closer to Y/N's figure.

"Why are you doing this?"
"Why are you getting closer to me?"
"Because the hall is crowded and I don't wanna lose you somewhere among these people."

Visible vein popped on her forehead, "Hey... I'm not that short."
"Your head only reaches my arm."
"Hahaha, you are so funny."

They entered inside and took an empty table with two seats.
"Let's sit over there, 20 minutes left till the next lesson starts."

Y/N let out a deep sigh as she looked at the algebra equation on Nagi's notebook.

'This is going to be a tough one,' she thought to herself.

"Okay, so let's start with the first step. We need to simplify the equation by combining like terms. Do you remember what that means?" Y/N asked.

Nagi nodded, although it was clear that he didn't fully understand.

"Combining like terms is a way of simplifying algebraic expressions by grouping similar parts together. Get it?"
"Ooh, yeah."
"And here you are saying you know what it means."

"Whatever. Now, we need to isolate the variable by getting rid of the constant on the same side. To do this, we will use inverse operations. That means, if we have addition, we will use subtraction and vice versa," She explained as she wrote out the equation.

Nagi furrowed his brows, but Y/N could already see the gears in his brain turning. She could tell that he was starting to understand.

"Next, we need to get the variable by itself. To do this, we will divide both sides by the coefficient of the variable," Y/N continued.

"Uh huh," He nodded, finally grasping the concept.
She could see the determination in his eyes now.

"Great, now all we have to do is simplify the remaining terms and we have our answer," She smiled as she finished writing out the solution.

Nagi sat there for a moment, staring at the answer in silence.
"Can you show me one more time?" he asked.

Y/N smiled, happy to see that Nagi was actually trying to understand. She then explained the solution one more time, this time allowing Nagi to ask questions and participate in the process.

As they finished their last problem, Nagi realized that he had been so consumed with his studies that he hadn't even grabbed anything to eat.

Feeling guilty, he turned to Y/N,
"There's 5 minutes left till the bell rings... let's grab something to eat." He sheepishly said.
"Wait, for real?! I didn't noticed..."
"Me too..."
"Okay then, let's go up to cashier."

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