Part 6

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Shizuko is overwhelmed.

Considering Shizuko as an important member of school committee club it's understandable why.

There are so many thoughts inside her head that won't stop bothering her. Non-stop school committee meetings, a whole bunch of paperwork, school homework, her ill sister and most importantly... you and Nagi.

She never told you about her negative emotions, she hates seeing your worried state or just any simple sad glint in your eyes makes her melt and fall harder for you.

It's not like she doesn't trust you or doesn't believe in whatever you say in your everyday conversations, but she has a strong feeling that you might end up getting closer Nagi and eventually, date him instead of her.

If that, however, would happen, the whole world inside her will explode in sorrow.

She won't let him. She won't let anyone take you away from her. Shizuko doesn't considers herself as yandere or jealous type, of course yandere is a bit too much but, is she jealous? Yes, she as hell is.

Shizuko knows you much better than anyone. Your habits, your favourite hobbies, your favourite movies, your favourite musician, your favourite clothes type, your favourite characters from anime and mobile games.

You were the first ever person that Shizuko became friends with, how can she let you go so easily?

8 years ago...

Shizuko was known as the most outgoing and friendly child in the school. Everyone adored her and quickly became her admirers and fans within a second. She was basically a popular kid from school movies but without selfish and bratty personality.

One day, as Shizuko was making her way to the playground, she noticed a little girl sitting alone on a bench with an clear upset expression on her face. But her question was quickly answered as soon as she saw a group of boys taunting and pointing their fingers at the little girl.

The sight made Shizuko visibly frown. How could they bully such small and insignificant girl? She hates it.

She had stepped in between the girl and the boys, standing tall and strong, with a determined look on her face. "Leave her alone! What's your problem?!" Shizuko yelled out firmly, her hands planted on her hips.

To the girl's surprise, the bullies actually listened to Shizuko and backed away, grumbling as they left the playground.

Shizuko then turned to the girl and gave her a gentle smile, asking: "Are you okay?"

She was too stunned to say anything, but she nodded her head, feeling grateful for Shizuko's intervention.

Shizuko then proceeded to sit next to her and strike up a conversation with her.

"Soo, what's your name?"
"Uh, my name is Y/N, Y/N L/N."
"Ooh, your name is interesting!"
Bashfully looking away, Y/N replied "Thank you—"
"Of course! Oh!" Shizuko jumped from the bench, stood infront of the sitting Y/N and stretched her hand towards her.

"I'm Shizuko! Shizuko Oba! Let's be friends Y/N-chan!"
"Yeah! Why not?"

Y/N couldn't believe that someone was actually taking the time to get to know her and make her feel included.

"Okay... Let's be friends, Shizuko."

From that day on, Shizuko became Y/N's protector and friend. Whenever the bullies would try to bother Y/N, Shizuko would be there to stand up for her and remind her that she was not alone. And with Shizuko by her side, Y/N gained the courage to finally stand up for herself and face the bullies. They eventually grew tired of not getting a reaction from Y/N and moved on to tormenting someone else.

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