Part 17

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an: this chapter is pretty short im sorry😕🤞🏻 anyway do u gyus like shizuko or yall hate her

The sterile white of the medical room seemed to blur as Y/N, Nagi, and Reo stepped out, the lingering scent of antiseptic clinging to their clothes.

Y/N's nose, thankfully, was fine, a small bandage covering a now-pale scratch.

Y/N stretched her arms above her head with content sigh, "Maaan, too bad I missed the match... I wanted to see their faces when you eventually won at the end."

Reo smirked in pride, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "Oh you should have! It would be awesome if someone took a picture though."

"They did looked defeated." Nagi mumbled, moving his fingers on the screen of his phone, his half-lidded eyes completely focused on the game.

"...We are over here Nagi. Not on the phone."
"Hm? Oh yeah yeah."

They were about to head back to the bustling school hallways when a familiar voice cut through the chatter.

"Y/N!" Shizuko's call was frantic, her usually bright eyes now clouded with worry. She rushed towards them, her face etched with concern. Seeing Y/N, she didn't even acknowledge the presence of Reo and Nagi, her gaze laser-focused on her best friend.

"I have been looking for you everywhere! Let's talk," she said, her voice low and tense.

Instinct told Y/N something was wrong, something far more serious than a scraped nose. Reo, sensing the shift in the air, exchanged a silent glance with Nagi. Nagi somewhy didn't liked where this was going. The weight of Shizuko's seriousness hung heavy between them.

With a murmured 'We'll be outside,' Reo removed his arm from her shoulder and gently nudged Nagi towards the exit, allowing Y/N and Shizuko a space to talk. The door shut behind them, leaving the two friends alone, the silent hum of the school echoing around them.

"Wait... What happened to your nose? Did someone hurt you? Tell me their name. Is it your classmate?! They won't live till-"

Y/N warmly smiled. "I'm fine Shizu. It was an accident, no need to worry."

Shizuko really want to punch the person who did this to Y/N, but if she's fine, she will let it slide.

"Hmph. Okay then.. Uhm, Y/N.."
"Why you didn't came to the volleyball match? I.. was hoping to see you there."

Silence overcame between them. Pretty uncomfortable one.

"...I was on a soccer match, what are you talking about?"


"Shizu... Your teammates told me that you were okay with it?"
"They didn't told me anything about you going there?"
"What?! They lied to me?"

Shizuko widened her eyes in disbelief. "So you really believed them instead of talking to me?"

"Well they're your teammates! They looked pretty sweet and I was running out of time too! So I-"

"But why you didn't talked to me before going to the soccer match?"

Y/N gritted her teeth in irritation. 'Tch. What's up with her?!'

"That's the problem Shizuko!"

Shizuko flinched at the use of her full name instead of the usual nickname.

"Let me finish will you?! They wouldn't let me in and talk to you!"

"Yet you still went to watch soccer.."


"And?" She parrots, with furrowed eyebrows.

Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose with sigh, before replying. "Listen. I always watched your volleyball matches, Shizuko. Ever since we became friends. And we're friends for 5 years now. Me not coming to your volleyball match one time won't change the whole America now would it?"

"But still! I wanted..."

"What? You wanted what? Some of your foreign friends even flew from another country and cheered just for you though, wasn't it enough? Even though they had other personal reasons for coming to our country, the first thing they did is to arrive to our school and show their support to you."

"...How on earth you know that? You're not even familiar with them." Shizuko looked away with narrowed eyes.

"I overheard them talking to each other when I was near the vending machine, they mentioned your name a lot of times so I already understood everything."

" *Sigh* I wanted... you to be there for me.."

"Look Shizuko... Who are you to tell me where I should and shouldn't go? You're not my mother. I don't really... understand why you're so mad at me. I want to be able to support my other friends too. What's wrong with that?"

'How can you not understand?! Screw it! I will say it!'

"The way you're acting right now-"

"I'm mad because I know that you're inlove with that Nagi guy!"

Y/N stood frozen at her words. The hell?
"...Excuse me?"

"Don't play dumb! I know and see the way you're looking at him with your damn beautiful eyes! I want you to look at me like that too! Is it too much too ask for?"

"Shizuko..." The vein popped up on Y/N's forehead. "What nonsense are you even saying? I will hang out and spend time with whoever I want to. It's for me to decide, not you. I do consider you as my friend. But friends do not control each other. Pretty much everyone knows that." She muttered with clear anger in her tone.

"B-But... We are best friends! And-"

"And you're not acting like one right now, Shizuko. I never knew that you had this.. possessive side. It's so weird."


"Don't call me that. For now atleast. I need some air to calm down."

Shizuko was shaking. Out of worry, fear and anxiety. She very much obviously didn't want to lose her friendship with Y/N. Y/N is like a sunlight that lights up Shizuko's dark world.

"N- Y/N! Wait! Please... I-I want to tell you something.."

She turned her head over her shoulder with glare, not in the mood to deal with Shizuko.
"What now?"

"I... I'm in love with you. For a very long time."

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