Part 7

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"...On becoming who?"
"A soccer player!"


"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Because I know that you're lying."

Offended gasp left his lips as his eyes widened, "Eh?! I'm not!"
"Reo! Tell me where do you see him becoming professional? His ass wouldn't even run for 5 minutes! You really think he'll be able to move around the field for 90 whole minutes?"

Reo wanted to laugh, only if the statement wasn't true.

"I'm telling you the truth!"
"Alright buddy, prove me."
"Ugh, alright, listen..."

Flashback to the day before...

Reo walked down the stairs that were stained with the golden light from the setting sun, when his foot bumped someone's back, making their phone slip from their grasp. "Oh, Nagi! Sorry-"

However, Nagi quickly leaped off the stairs, catching the phone on his shoe.

Wow! Nice control! Reo was impressed.

"Huh. Guess I didn't die." The boy returned to his game like nothing happened.

"Wait, wait! Dude you're amazing! Since when you could do that?!" Reo exclaimed with excitement in his voice as he ran down the stairs to his friend.

Finally turning his attention to the purple haired boy, he quickly gave him a glance,"Oh, Hi Reo." He mumbled, immediately returning his eyes to the screen, "Aw, I died."
"Wanna play soccer with me!?" Reo
asked in a desperate tone.

"Huh!? Why?"
"I don't want to play soccer, and I've never played sports before. I just want to chill and do nothing for the rest of my life." He admitted.

Reo looked at him with shock written all over his face. "But I mean, look at that control just now, and your physique! You've got some serious talent!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Play Soccer with me! If you work hard, you can go pro!"
"I'd have to work hard for it? Soccer sounds like a hassle. Even Y/N's tutoring sessions aren't a pain."

"The sessions are completely different from soccer don't compare them! Only a chosen few get to go pro!"

"Just imagine how many money you will earn when you will become a professional player!" Reo laughed as he put his arm around Nagi's shoulder.

"Let's play soccer on the sports festival!"
"Ugh Reo cut it out..."
"Oh c'mon Nagi!"
"I don't want to... Tutoring sessions are already enough hassle for me.."
"But Y/N and her friend are participating in it! I don't wanna be there without—"

"Wait, Y/N will be in the festival?"

Reo abruptly paused, looking away in thought, "I think yeah? But I mean, she really looks like a volleyball player y'know!"
"Plus! If you will play soccer, Y/N will be more than satisfied to see you working so hard!"

Nagi stared at the bold 'Victory' sign on his screen as he silently thought about his offer.

"Aand! You will be able to skip the tutor sessions and go to practice instead!" Reo winked.

Nagi's eyes slightly widened,"Huh? No, I'm not doing that."

Reo chuckled, "Oh wow, this is the most surprising thing I have ever heard from you Nagi."

"Why it's surprising? I just wanna raise my grades faster and thanks to Y/N, she helps me with that. Plus, she also wants to get the reward for her hard work. And im helping her with that."

Flashback end.

"...He really said that?" Y/N's mouth hang open as Reo finished his explanation.



Reo rubbed his arm, with slight wince, "Agh! Holy shit!"
"I can't believe that you told him that he will be able to skip my tutoring sessions and to go to practices instead! Why on earth you said that?!"
"Look I'm sorry! I was too excited to even properly form my thoughts!"
"Not forgiving you."

"Anyway, are you and your Shizuko friend going to the festival though?"
"Well... I think of going to. I'm pretty good at volleyball, not as good as Shizuko of course."

"You should come! So that you can cheer for me and Nagi!"
Y/N deadpanned, "...I might go there only for Shizuko."
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Reo shrugged off with a wave of hand.
"You are totally going to our match, right?"

Y/N silently moved her eyes to the floor, thinking of the answer to say. Sure festivals are fun and easy to enjoy especially when you are there with your friends, but what mostly bothered Y/N is, why Nagi sounded excited that she will be there?


The sun had set and the stars were starting to twinkle in the sky. However, while most people were settling in for a cozy evening at home, Y/N was on her way to the library to give her notoriously lazy friend, Nagi, another tutor lesson.

Sure his progress in solving equations and understanding concepts has been getting much better, but she's still determined to make him complete straight A+ student.

As she entered the library, she was slightly caught off guard when she noticed Nagi, who usually always was late, came earlier than Y/N.

"Oh Nagi! I'm glad to see you here so early!"
"Mhm, one lesson in my class got canceled so i came here when teacher left."

'Huh? So.. he has been sitting here for 40 minutes? For the whole lesson?!'

"Woah, I'm flattered that you thought about—"
"I also came here because class was noisy so walking down here wasn't troublesome much."

What a gentleman.

"Ah— And here I thought you were sweet, thinking about me and stuff because I'm already tired of always dragging you from classroom to library."

"What do you mean? I did that because for you too."

Nagi turned off his phone and put it down on the table, the sun lighting making his gray orbs glow.

"I'm sorry, for being annoying. And uh... you are already helping me a lot, and doing so much for me, I'm... really grateful for your help." He mumbled with half-lidded eyes.

Wow... that was, something. The way he mumbled with such gentle voice, every word sounded genuine for sure.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, Y/N coughed into her hand and reply, "Geez.. you didn't needed to be so serious—"
"But I mean it. I'm thankful."
"It's just..." Nagi quickly looked away, bangs hiding his eyes, "I don't know how to explain it, but I really felt like giving you my thanks. These weeks I have improved a lot, it still surprises me."

Gosh, this moment felt like some scene from typical romance teenager movie, that thought made her slightly cringe.

"Hah, what's up with that sudden softness Nagi?" She chuckled with tease reflecting in her tone.
"I told you I don't know!" He whined, burying his face in his arms, "Can we just start our lesson..?"

He's cute.. Wait! What are you saying?! Oh my god... How embarrassing..

"Sure thing."

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