Part 13

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(a/n: gasp guys... I completely forgot that I have wattpad😀 anyway, really sorry for such slow updates, my ass has been so tired with school and other irl stuff.... I'll do my best to finish this book faster!)


"That shot was great Nagi! Do you think you can make it again?"
"Dunno... I'm tired.."
"...That's not the answer I wanted to hear."

The sports festival was just around the corner, and the anticipation was palpable. Reo and Nagi, had two days to prepare for the upcoming event.

Reo, full of energy and enthusiasm, could be found on the football field, stretching and practicing with all his might. He knew that the sports festival was a significant event, and he wanted to make the most of it. He was determined to give his best performance, and he was willing to put in the effort to achieve his goal.

Meanwhile, Nagi, was already tired from the practice. Nagi was not as enthusiastic about the sports festival as Reo was. He preferred to spend his time lounging around, playing video games, or watching TV.

The thought of practicing for the sports festival seemed like a chore to him, and he wasn't really looking forward to it. But the thought of Y/N coming over made him a little bit motivated.

Reo sighed, shaking his head, "Alright then, I'll go and get us drinks from vending machine."
"Can you get me a lemon tea?"
"Thank you.." Nagi mumbled before lying down on the grass.

As Reo approached the vending machine, he was already envisioning the cool, crisp sensation of the drink as it quenched his thirst.

Little did he know, however, that his peaceful moment of respite was about to be interrupted by a disturbing discovery.

As he stood in front of the vending machine, he began to hear whispers coming from a group of people nearby. At first, he paid no attention to the murmurs, assuming they were discussing the upcoming festival or perhaps sharing some lighthearted gossip.

However, as the whispers grew louder and more distinct, Reo began to realize that the conversation was not as innocent as he had initially thought.

To his dismay, he overheard the group of people talking about Y/N, and the words they were using were far from complimentary.

"Ugh, honestly, that Y/N girl is getting annoying."
"I know right! She thinks she's so powerful and smart like she's some type of goddess or something."
"Have you noticed how she's hanging out with so many boys lately too? Such a pick me."
"Seriously? Ew."

The whispers turned into a full-blown conversation, with the group of people openly discussing the various flaws and shortcomings of Y/N.

Reo was shocked and appalled by the cruelty of their words, and he could feel his blood beginning to boil.

'Hah? What the hell?'

Despite his initial instinct to confront the group and defend his best friend, Reo knew that doing so would only escalate the situation and potentially lead to a physical altercation.

Instead, he decided to take a deep breath and calmly assess the situation. He knew that he needed to find a way to protect Y/N's reputation and ensure that the group of people understood the error of their ways.

Reo visibly frowned as he tightened the grip on his bottle.
'As if I'm gonna let people talk shit about my best friend. Who do they think they are?'

With a renewed sense of purpose, Reo turned away from the vending machine and began to walk towards the group of people. He knew that the conversation they were having was not only hurtful but also unjust, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to set the record straight.

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