Part 15

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The air crackled with excitement as the school gates swung open, ushering in a tide of students eager to participate in the annual outside sports festival. Y/N, her heart thrumming with anticipation, navigated the bustling crowd, their gaze flitting across the colorful booths and vibrant displays.

The scent of grilled food and the strains of upbeat music filled the air, creating a festive atmosphere that was impossible to resist.

Just when Y/N was about to check them out, a hand landed on her shoulder. By instinct, she turned around in shock with widened eyes, only to be met with her childhood best friend, Shizuko.

Y/N's eyes visibly softened and shined upon seeing her friend's smile, "Shizu! You're here!"
"Haha! Yup! I came a little bit earlier so that I could practice with my team." She replied with hand on her hip.
"Ooh! The volleyball jersey suits you a lot! It's so cool!"
She smirked, striking a pose, "Thank you N/N! I also like it! I look so damn good."
"Hah, totally."

"Heey Shizukoo! Come over here! We need to talk!" One of her team players yelled out from the female's dressing room.
"Oh man, they're calling me now. I gotta go," Shizuko lightly sighed, "watch me, yeah?" she said with wink.
"Of course! I would never miss you playing!"
Shizuko softly smiled and waved her hand with small 'bye' before making her way to the dressing room.

As Y/N meandered through the throng, her eyes caught a glimpse of Nagi and Reo, their faces illuminated by the setting sun as they engaged in a spirited conversation. Their soccer team, clad in their vibrant jerseys, stood nearby, their expressions a mixture of nervousness and determination as they prepared for their upcoming match.

Y/N's smile widened, a wave of pride washing over her as she witnessed the camaraderie and competitive spirit that pulsed through her friends.

'Sheesh, they look so badass. I wanna watch them play.'

But then, realization kicked in her head.
'Wait... What time does the match starts? I need to ask.'

Y/N tapped on her classmate shoulder, "Sorry, do you know when soccer match will start?"
"Oh! Hey Y/N! It will start in 7 minutes!"
She silently looked away with furrowed brow, before replying, "...Okay, thanks."
"No problem!"

Y/N quickly ran to the volleyball field, in hope to make a small talk with Shizuko, only to be stopped by some of the familiar faces.

Ah, they are Shizuko's team members.

"Um, hello?"
One of them smiled sweetly, "Hi Y/N."

Well this is awkward.

"May I talk with Shizuko? I will be fast."
"We're having a match in a few minutes, sorry."
"Huh?! But I'm-"
"You wanna tell her that you wanna go to soccer match?"

Y/N froze in confusion. How on earth did they knew that? No, wait, you never talked with any of them and you were sure that nobody watched you while you were near soccer field..

"Uh... yes? How do you know?"
"We can ask her for you if you want!" They ignored the question and continued sweetly smiling, almost like they knew something.

Y/N really had no idea what to do.
"Ah... I-"

"Hey Shizuko! Y/N over here is asking if that's okay if she will go and watch soccer match!"

"Huh? Wait, if she's in the room I can ask her herself-"
"No need! She said that's fine!"

Y/N blinked in uneasiness, something was wrong. They were obviously planning something. As much as you wanted to know the truth, you didn't had time for that. You really wanted to see Nagi and Reo play on the field.

"Um, if that's so... I will go then. Good luck on your match...?"

The players giggled with grins and thanked Y/N for her words as they shut the door behind them. Leaving Y/N outside, silently staring at the door.

'Whatever, Shizuko wouldn't truly mind right? I have seen her in many matches anyway, one time wouldn't hurt.. She will understand!'

And with that, Y/N ran as fast as she could.

Y/N's heart hammered in her chest as she sprinted towards the football field. The school sports festival was in full swing, and the air thrummed with the excited cheers of the students. Finally, she spotted them: Reo and Nagi, their team in the middle of a field. Reaching the field, she sank down on a nearby bench, taking a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.

As she looked up, a friendly face appeared beside her. "Hey, Y/N! You came to watch the match, too?" Her classmate, a boy named Akira, grinned at her. Y/N, still caught up in the thrill of seeing Reo and Nagi play, smiled back politely and nodded with small yeah, her gaze stood on her classmate since she understood that he wanted to talk a little bit. Plus, she didn't really mind. There's still 2 minutes till the match will start.

"Do you remember when Noah tried to cheat on chemistry test yesterday?"
"Noah? Oh yeah! He even put on the coat to hide his apple watch with sleeve right?"
"Hahaha! Yup! I mean, it's pretty genius! But different teacher was looking over us during the test so luck wasn't really on his side."

She didn't notice the figure on the opposing team, his eyes fixed on her, a strange tension tightening his features. Nagi, in particular, felt a pang of unease. He couldn't understand why, but the sight of Y/N talking to another unfamiliar boy sent a shiver down his spine. His gaze, usually filled with nothing but grey pupils, darkened as he watched her.

"...Hey Nagi, you good there man?"
"Reo, I don't like that guy."
"Huh? Who?"

Nagi lifted his hand, pointing with his finger at the said male, "Him."
"But Y/N and him are just... talking?"
"I know. But.. he's smiling at her too much."
"He has smiled at her 5 times... oh, now 6 times.."

Reo raised his eyebrows in complete shock and widened his eyes. Damn, he never ever expected to see this side of Nagi. This is certainly something new.

Teasingly grinning, Reo wrapped a hand around Nagi's shoulder and lowered his head to Reo's eye level.

"Oh Nagi, you're jealous."

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