Part 22

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The air buzzed with the bright lights and the frantic jingles of the arcade. Nagi, his usual calm facade replaced with a blush that spread across his cheeks, nervously fiddled with the joystick as he tried to navigate his character through a particularly challenging level of 'Battle Royale 3D.'

Y/N, noticed his fidgeting and chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're having trouble, Nagi?" she asked, leaning closer and offering a playful nudge.

Nagi flushed even deeper, "N-No, I'm just, trying a new strategy." He tried to sound confident, but his voice faltered, his gaze darting away from Y/N's.

Nagi just never told her how he felt, feelings would be a hassle. Especially when he considers the thought that she may not return them, and then he has to deal with the hassle of losing her in his life. That totally would be bothersome.

Its pretty understandable why Nagi got feelings for her, out of all people. She lets him live his lazy life, give him company when he wants it and leaves him alone when he wants to be alone. She reminds him of Reo and he can’t imagine a better life than one with her. She's so perfect for him.

The air crackled with playful competition as Nagi and Y/N, their fingers flying over the buttons of a racing game, both vying for victory. Y/N, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, expertly navigated her virtual car, leaving Nagi trailing behind. He, however, didn't seem fazed, his focus unwavering, his smile a soft curve beneath his usual stoic expression.

In between races, he'd subtly point out her impressive skills, his compliments tinged with a shy warmth that made Y/N's heart flutter. She noticed him lingering a little too long, his eyes tracing the line of her jaw as she laughed, the sound echoing through the arcade.

When she won a round of air hockey, Nagi, uncharacteristically flustered, offered her a small, hesitant "Congratulations," his voice a low murmur. His eyes, usually sharp and clear, seemed to hold a secret, a yearning that Y/N couldn't ignore.

Then, he surprised her by suggesting they try a crane game, a game she usually avoided, the success rate seeming impossible. As if reading her mind, he raised his thumb and said, "Don't worry, I'm good at this," his confidence radiating a sudden warmth that spread through her like sunshine.

Nagi slid in the coin to the hole and with each successful grab of the plush toy, she saw a flicker of something in his eyes, something that made her own cheeks burn. Finally, he managed to snag a large, fluffy panda, holding it out to her with a shy smile. "Here. For you," he murmured, his gaze lingering on her face as she took the panda, her heart skipping a beat.

"...Thank you. The panda is so cute."

Nagi's gaze softened. 'Just like you are.'

"No problem at all."

The realization that Nagi was trying to hint at his feelings, his shy attempts at expressing them through his actions, hit her like a wave, leaving her blushing furiously. 'Wait... Am I seeing this right?? I'm not... mistaking it, right????'

"Man, it's getting pretty late.." He yawned, "I'm kinda tired.."

The arcade lights blurred, the noise around them fading into the background. All that remained was Nagi, leaning all his weight onto Y/N's figure and him wrapping his arms around Y/N's neck. What a sight.

"W-Wait Nagi! You're heavy!"
"Mm, don't care."
"Then let's get out of here."
He unwrapped his arms with sigh, "Okay."

Y/N didn't failed to notice giggling girls behind them as they started whispering about how tall Nagi is and how adorable they look together.

"Alright, let's go."

The neon glow of the arcade faded behind them as Nagi and Y/N stepped out into the cool evening air. The sky was painted with hues of orange and purple, a perfect backdrop for their leisurely stroll home.

Exhausted from hours of frantic button mashing and competitive laughter, Nagi let out a long, contented sigh.

"Tired?" Y/N asked, a playful grin on her face. He nodded, his eyes flickering to hers for a moment before he glanced away, a blush creeping up his neck. "Yeah, but it was fun, right?" he said, his voice a little quieter than usual.

He knew he should just head straight home, but the thought of Y/N walking alone in the darkening streets, even with her phone in hand, made his stomach twist with a strange uneasiness. "I, uh, I can walk you home, if you want," he mumbled, his words tumbling out in a rush. "It's getting dark, and it's not safe for you to be alone." He mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn hotter.

Y/N, ever observant, noticed his hesitation and the blush on his face. "Oh! Okay," she said, shyness written all over her face. "I don't mind, let's go! I'll lead the way."

He was secretly relishing the opportunity to spend a little more time with her, to walk beside her, to feel the warmth of her presence, even if it was just for a few more blocks. He hoped she couldn't see the way his heart raced every time she laughed, or how he wished he could hold her hand, just for a moment.

Nagi firmly nods. "Okay boss."
"Bahaha! Seriously? Boss? Out of all nicknames?"
"...Why? You don't like it?"
"No no! It's not that I don't like it. It just sounded funny to me! I don't mind the nickname at all."
Nagi secretly let out a small sigh of relief. "Oh, okay."

The quiet walk home was filled with shared laughter and comfortable silences, a perfect ending to a perfect day. Nagi could only hope that Y/N wouldn't notice the way his heart swelled with stolen moments, and the secret hope that this wasn't the last time they'd walk home together.

Nagi secretly stepped closer to Y/N's figure, as he continued walking.
"Hey Y/N?"
"...Remember our study lessons? To raise my grades? Will we continue them?"
"Ooh, right! Man, I completely forgot about them." Y/N laughed under her breath and hummed, "Well, since the year is ending, I don't think its-"


The duo stopped in their tracks as they noticed the droplet of water falling down from the sky. Oh no.


The rain has started.

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