Part 20

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an: "thank you reo" we all say in unison

Reo tapped the screen of the cash register, ordering a decadent chocolate cake and two steaming cups of coffee, Nagi didn't liked coffee that much so Reo ordered for him a lemon tea. With a satisfied nod, he returned to the table where Y/N and Nagi sat, their conversation bubbling with laughter.

The air crackled with comfortable familiarity as they shared lighthearted stories and teasing banter.

A few minutes later, a server brought their order - the rich aroma of coffee mingling with the sweet scent of chocolate. They dived into their treats, savoring the deliciousness and the easy camaraderie.

"Oh, by the way!" Reo exclaimed, taking a sip from his coffee, "Tell us what took you so long with your friend back there."
Nagi makes a ':o' face as he nods, "Yeah. I also wanna know."

"Ah, right. So uh, just promise me that you won't tell anyone, okay?"
Reo slightly widened his eyes in curiosity.  "Is it that serious? But, sure."
"Okay." Nagi, once again nods.

"Alright." She glanced around and whispered, "Basically, long story short, Shizuko confessed to me. But before she confessed, she started showing me her possessive side. She was acting like that because I-"

Only five minutes had passed when Reo's phone buzzed in his pocket. He excused himself, his face etched with a fleeting frown. "Sorry, guys," he said, glancing at his phone, "I have to go. Something came up at home." He quickly gathered his things, a subtle apology lingering in his voice. "Enjoy your cake!"

"W-What? Uh, bye Reo!"
"Bye Reo." Nagi lazily mumbles.

Reo, however, had orchestrated the entire scene. He quickly ran away and disappeared out of sight.

But Y/N knew him. She knew that he wasn't hurrying at all. She knew he was pretending.

"Hey Y/N?"

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Nagi's voice and blinked. "Oh! Uh, yeah?"

"You've been staring at the cake like it killed your characters in the game or something, y'know?"
What an interesting example. "...Huh? Was I really?"

"Oh, don't mind me. Haha...."

Well, this is certainly awkward. Y/N made a mental note to yell at Reo later.

The silence stretched on, an agonizing eternity, before Nagi finally spoke, his voice soft and laced with a gentle urging, "Well? Continue. I want to hear it all." His words were simple, yet they ignited a flame within Y/N.

His gaze, half-lidded and intense, held a captivating allure. The soft sunlight filtered through the café windows, casting a warm glow upon his delicate features. The gentle caress of his white bangs against his forehead lent him an air of ethereal beauty that left Y/N flustered and breathless.

With each word she uttered, she found herself drawn deeper into his presence, captivated by the unspoken emotions that simmered beneath the surface.

The way he looked at her, with a curiosity and genuine interest that was unlike anything she'd ever felt, made her stomach twist into knots.

Nagi’s attention was completely captured by Y/N’s voice. He hung on to every word, her story unfolding before him like a captivating novel. He was mesmerized by her passion and the way her eyes lit up. But then, she excused herself, mentioning a need to use the restroom. "I'll be quick. You can eat the cake if you want."

His gaze followed her retreating figure, his heart a tangled mess of admiration and something he couldn't quite define. He couldn't help but feel a pang of protectiveness as she disappeared into the small bathroom, her frame swallowed by the door.

As his eyes moved away from the closed door and landed on the cash register, his blood ran cold. A male worker, who looked like the same age as Nagi, his gaze lingering on Y/N's exit, held a blatant, predatory look in his eyes. It was a look that made Nagi's stomach clench with a primal fury he hadn't known he possessed.

'What the actual fuck! Ew!'

Without a second thought, Nagi strode towards the worker, his jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed into a chilling glare. The worker, caught off guard, stumbled back as Nagi stopped in front of him, inches from his face. "You're making me uncomfortable," Nagi snarled, his voice low and dangerous. "Seriously, what the fuck dude? You're supposed to be working, not staring at the girls. I suggest you to keep your eyes to yourself or you'll find out what happens to them when you disrespect someone I care about."

The male only smirked at the glare Nagi is giving him. "Oh yeah? Who are you to tell me that? You also want that hottie?"

"Shut your dirty ass mouth up. Isn't it obvious dumbass? I'm her boyfriend."

The words were laced with a threat so potent that the worker's bravado instantly crumbled. "Huh?"

Nagi stretched his fist out to the guy and said, "Wanna see what's inside my fist?"

The worker blinked in confusion. "Hah? Why would I wanna-"


Nagi, without thinking any longer, punched him in the nose so hard, which made the guy fall to the floor where other workers stared at him in shock.

"S-Sir! What are you doing?!"
"It's straight up violence!"

"If anyone is disrespectful, it's your friend over there. He stared at my girlfriend inappropriately. He deserves that punch more than anything."

His eyes wide with fear, he mumbled a weak apology and quickly turned away, his face pale and his hands trembling. Nagi's glare didn't waver until the worker was out of sight. He felt a surge of relief as he mumbled "Disgusting." under his breath.

He wouldn't hesitate to defend Y/N, this much was clear. He was already starting to understand the depth of his feelings for her, and the thought of anyone treating her with disrespect ignited a fire within him.


The white-haired male's eyes returned back to normal as he finally saw Y/N again.

"Hm?" He blinked innocently.
Y/N looked around in concern. "What happened here? I heard someone yelling..."
Nagi put a hand on the small of her back and gently pushed her towards the exit door. "Let's get out of here."
"Huh? Why??"
"...I'll tell you outside, c'mon."
"Uh, alright then."

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