Part 18

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"...Is this prank?"

Shizuko blinked in confusion. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Someone gotta be recording us right now. Because if they are, this prank is not funny at all."

"Y/N.. I'm n-not joking! I truly love you! I love you more than anyone! You mean the whole world to me!"

Y/N was too stunned to let a word escape her throat.

"You're the sunlight that casted upon my dark world! Without you.. I-I'm nothing.. But!"

Shizuko stepped closer to Y/N.

"But when you appeared by my side, everything has changed and I feel so much better with you around! I could never ask for a better partner than you!"

"Shizuko I-"
"Please Y/N!"

The air is so intense.

Y/N deeply sighed and scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "...What I'm about to say is very rude but, this is the worst time ever to be confessing right now. Like, really bad time."

Shizuko froze. Y/N's last sentence alone was already an answer to her confession.

Her heart sank, glow full of hope disappeared from her eyes.

"I know..."

"And.. I'm really, really sorry Shizu. But I don't feel the same. I want us to remain best friends."

Nagi tossed his phone onto the bench with a tired sigh. "Ah, crap," he mumbled, realizing with a jolt that he had left his hoodie in the dressing room. "What's up?", "Reo, I will go and get my hoodie."
Reo sighed in annoyance. "Don't tell me you forgot your hoodie again, Nagi? You really need to pay more attention to your belongings. What if someone stole it?"
Nagi simply shrugged, a lazy pout spreading across his face. "No one would want to steal my worn-out hoodie anyway." He turned to leave, idly pushing open the door to the hallway.

With another sigh, he peacefully walked down the stairs. As he rounded the corner, however, his steps faltered and his eyes slightly widened at the realization.

'Wait, I think this room is where-'

A muffled voice seeped from the empty hallway, the sound of quiet confession. Curiosity piqued, Nagi pressed his ear against the wall, his heartbeat quickening. He recognized the speakers – Y/N, and her best friend Shizuko. The air crackled with unspoken tension as Shizuko’s voice, low and hesitant, filled the space. "Y/N... I-I'm in love with you. For a very long time.” Shizuko’s words crashed into Nagi’s world like a rogue wave, leaving him reeling.

He had an possible idea that Shizuko had a special affection for Y/N since he has always seen how she's constantly hanging out with her and buys whatever Y/N asks for. But the intensity of her confession, the raw emotion in her voice, sent a jolt through him. His heart, which he'd assumed was beating for Y/N, now felt strangely confused.

He was torn: a pang of sympathy for Shizuko, a flicker of relief for his own feelings, and a nagging, uncomfortable sense of... what? Nagi couldn't place it, this disorienting cocktail of emotions. All he knew was that the world, the hallway, the very air around him, suddenly felt very, very complicated.

The confession, whispered in the hushed silence of the hallway, hung in the air, thick with unspoken emotions.

'Maybe it will be better if I leave...'

He couldn’t bring himself to walk in, to intrude on this moment between friends. Instead, he backed away, his heart heavy with a mixture of confusion, sadness, and a strange, unsettling sense of dread.

"Huh? Where is your hoodie buddy?"
"Let's go Reo,"
The said male raised an eyebrow, "But-" He sighed with a shrug, "Okay then."

Shizuko slowly raised her head up, with sad smile on her lips. "I understand. I hope... you don't hate me..."

"Well, not really now. I'm glad that you understand. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. Let's keep our friendship the way it is."

Shizuko nodded, "Sure. N/N."

The notification that came from Y/N's phone interrupted the moment, which made the girl sigh out of slight embarrassment. "Sorry," she said with sheepish smile and opened her phone to check. "Oh, it's my dad."

"What does he say?"
"Oh wow, he has finally returned from Canada!"
Shizuko softly smiled and relaxed her shoulders. They were back to normal now. "Really?"
"Uh huh! And he made barbecue at the backyard!" The girl shoved her phone into the pocket, "I gotta go! See ya Shizu!"

Just when Y/N was about to turn on her heel and make her leave, Shizuko stopped her.

"Wait! Y/N, uh.."

Shizuko nervously fidgeted with her fingers and avoided Y/N's gaze.

Y/N blinked in worry. "...What's wrong?"
"It's just... I was wondering...

              "Do you actually like Nagi?"

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