Part 4

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Y/N sat at her usual spot in the back corner of the classroom, quietly munching on her sandwich. Nagi had algebra in another class, so he might be probably sleeping or eating right now, if anyone even bothered to wake him up. Shizuko on the other hand, was called by her teacher and now is assisting her in library.

But as Y/N took another bite of her sandwich, she noticed Reo strolling into the classroom towards her.

He plopped down in the empty seat next to Y/N, flashing her his usual charming smile,
"Hello there, my dear friend Y/N. Mind if I join you for lunch?"

She was taken aback by his question, not because this is a new question to her or anything, she's slightly weirded out by the way he said it.

"...Sure?" she awkwardly mumbled.

Reo didn't seem to mind though, as he leaned his elbow on her desk.

"I didn't knew that you were a teacher?"
"There's no point in hiding it."
"Oh, you mean, about me tutoring Nagi?"
"Well, duh,"

Y/N rolled her eyes, returning to her sandwich, "Yeah I am, what about it?"
"It's just surprising to me, because I know that you're pretty lazy when it comes to teaching someone."
"I'm not when I get reward for it."

Reo's corners of the mouth slightly lifted upwards as he started poking her pencil case, "Oh? What kind of reward you're getting?"

She groaned, "I'm getting tired of saying this everytime. But if Nagi's grades will get higher, then Mr. Stirling will mark every test I take as A+ !"
"Oh! That offer is actually good."

"But don't you think that offer is a bit too generous?"
Y/N blinked in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"I mean... Nagi, well... he's really lazy. To the point where he gets tired even after walking for 5 minutes. I think Mr. Stirling decided on this offer because he knew that you wouldn't be able to help him with grades and with that, you won't get that reward because he's very strict teacher."
"So you're trying to say that, Mr. Stirling is, challenging me?"
"Yeah, something like this y'know."

'Hmm.. now that I think about it, he's right.'

"Whatever! I will do my best and prove Mr. Stirling that I'm a good tutor."
"Welp, good luck with that then."


"Oh, here's the bell. See ya later Y/N," Reo stood up from the seat and walked away to his class.

She waved back, "Mhm, bye Reo."

Y/N sat across from Nagi and took out her pen, "Look, let's say we have the equation 2x + 5 = 15. The 'x' here represents the unknown number that we're trying to find. So, our goal is to isolate the 'x' on one side of the equation and find out it's value."

Nagi seemed to have perked up a little, so Y/N continued with more enthusiasm, "We can use the inverse operation to isolate the 'x'. Since the 'x' is being multiplied by 2, we can divide both sides by 2 to cancel it out. This leaves us with x + 5 = 7. Then, we subtract 5 from both sides to get x = 2. And voila, we have found the value of 'x'! "

Nagi silently processed her every word and nodded with small hum, "Hmm, I.. do get it. But, can you explain it in more simple way?"

Y/N smiled, satisfied with his reply, "Think of it like a recipe, where we have to figure out the missing ingredient. Algebra is just a way of describing mathematical relationships in a more condensed and efficient way," she explained, hoping to make it relatable.

Finally, Nagi's eyes slightly widened as realization hit him, "Oh! It's actually easy..."
"Yeah! It really is!"

Y/N took out her notebook and copied a short equation from the algebra book.
As she finished writing it, she slides the notebook towards him, "Here, try solving it."

Nagi picks up the pen and starts scribbling the solution, pretty slowly of course but atleast it was something.

By the way he was mumbling numbers and formula to himself, it was evident that he's trying.

"Like this?"

He lifted up the notebook with the written answer on it and Y/N let out a small gasp of happiness.

"Yes! That's correct!"
"Oh, cool."
She smiled, reaching her hand to his hair, "Well done! That's a good progress!"

But as soon as her hand made contact with his snowy hair, she immediately pulled her hand back.

"What the hell?? Why is your hair so tangled?"
"Do you not brush your hair?? Like, at all?"
"Nah... It's too much of a hassle..."

Out of sheer frustration, she reached into her bag and pulled out a hairbrush.

He looked at her quizzically, wondering what she was up to. Without saying a word, she motioned for him to turn his head towards her. He hesitantly complied, unsure of what she was about to do. She gently began to comb through his hair, slowly untangling the knots and smoothing it out.

'How someone can let their appearance go so neglected?' She exclaimed in her mind.

As she ran the brush through his hair, she couldn't help but notice how soft it felt, like cotton. It was clear that he hadn't taken a brush to it in a while.

As she continued brushing, Nagi's initial look of confusion turned into one of relaxation. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, seemingly enjoying the touch of the brush on his scalp.

The whole scene was so calming and peaceful; Y/N couldn't help but smile. She never thought that something as simple as brushing someone's hair could have such a profound effect.

As she finished brushing his hair, Nagi softly whined with his usual 'x' mouth.

"Haha, enjoyed that huh?"
"Yeah... it was very relaxing.."
"Welp, we should go back to the topic. The faster we will finish, the faster we will go home. Alright?"
"Yes boss."

After the tutoring session was over, both of them were about to part their ways until Nagi tugged on her uniform sleeve.

Y/N looked over her shoulder and raised her eyebrow, "What?"
He looked away in hesitation before answering, "Can we study tommorow at class?"

"It's a pain to walk from the second floor to the first floor..."
"Hmm, alright! If the class won't be filled with many students, we can for sure."

She nodded, "Do you anything else before I leave?"
"No." He shaked his head.
"Okay then, see ya tommorow."
Nagi slowly blinked while taking out his phone, "Mhm, bye Y/N."

The sky was painted with hues of pink and purple as the evening sun began to set. Y/N was making her way home, her backpack slung over one shoulder and her eyes glued to her phone. She was scrolling through her texts, trying to catch up on all the gossip and missed calls from her friends.

'Why mom sent me so many texts? Didn't I told her that I will be late?'

Suddenly, a sleek black car pulled up next to her, catching her attention. At first, she didn't think twice about it, assuming it was just another car passing by.

But as the car slowed down and the window rolled down, she could hear a familiar voice calling out her name. It was her friend, Reo.

"Reo? What-"
"Need a ride?"

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