Part 9

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It never was hard to notice you.

You are smart, charming in your own way, friendly, polite and approachable.
You were glad to land a hand if someone was struggling with some problem which caused many people at school to admire you from afar.

Of course, including Nagi, he always noticed you everyday too, your desk was glued to him after all. It was pretty weird to him when you would greet him every morning and wish him a good evening when you left after tutoring session, no one ever did that to him before. He got used to being ignored by everyone and non-stopping whispers behind his back. But your little greetings and bye's were a nice feeling for him, like a little reminder that someone was acknowledging him.

Slowly enough, the walls between you two was falling apart by each day. You would pat his hair from his little naps for lunch time, sometimes may brush his hair because it's a bother for him to do so, and when you would leave, he would stare at your back until your figure disappeared, staring at the exit door for a little too long, perhaps wishing for you to walk back in. Who knows? We will never know.

As someone who is pretty lazy, there’s something about the contrast of you getting fired up that he secretly likes. He pays attention on how animated you get when you’re explaining him the equation, the way you try to make the session more comfortable with little jokes there and there and the way you gesture with hands. Nagi just can’t take his eyes off you. He simply can't.

As much as Nagi isn’t motivated by the things he has to do, when it comes to you, he’ll unknowingly put in the effort.
He doesn't even understand why.

"Alright Nagi! You're going with me to the practice whether you like it or not!"

Sports festival is a big event that everyone in school are excited and getting ready for, especially Reo.

"Eeh? I'm too busy Reo," Nagi replied, turning his head at Y/N, "I will be having tutoring session."

Reo clapped his hands together and quickly made his puppy eyes to Y/N,
"Y/N can you pleeeeaseee let Nagi go to the practice??"

The female could only look at Reo with deadpan. "Seriously bro? Puppy eyes?"

"Come on Y/NN! I really want Nagi to join me!" He pleaded.

When Reo put his hands on her shoulders, that made Nagi feel slightly weird.

"I won't let him slack off in the field!"
"Are you not trusting your friend?"
"No! Of course I trust you! It's just..."

Reo tilted his head with a smile, still with his hands on her shoulders while waiting for her answer.

'Well... If to think about it, Nagi's grades are pretty good anyways, I guess a few practices won't hurt him. Plus he will spend more time with Reo.'

"Okay, fine,"
Reo raised his fist in the air, "Yess! Thanks Y/N!"

Nagi rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh, I didn't agreed."
"Trust me Nagi! Football is fun!"
"Really fun!"

Snow-haired boy finally looked at Reo in his eyes, "...I have to work hard for it?"

"Well, judging by your previous catch that I saw days ago, you don't really have to I guess! You're genius after all."

Nagi moved his eyes to the window, looking away in thought, "Hmm..."

That offer sounded actually nice to Nagi, doing your best is fun and worthy. He nodded to himself and returned his eyes to the Reo.

"Okay Reo. I'll go with you."
"Awesome! That's the spirit!"

"But before I do," Nagi turned on his heel to face Y/N, "Will you come to the match and cheer for m.. us?"

Y/N blinked at the sudden question, "Eh? Ah.. I don't know.."

Nagi visibly pouted, "Please?"

Oh my, Reo almost busted out laughing when he saw her surprised face and slightly red cheeks.

"I-I'll think about it, if Shizuko's volleyball match won't be in the same time as your soccer match, I'll try to come over."

"Oh okay, good." Nagi nodded, almost as if out of relief.

Out of nowhere, Reo grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards himself.
"Alright then! We're off now Y/N! Don't be late to our match!"

"I already said that I will try!" She yelled out.

While Reo's hand was still holding Nagi's wrist, he turned his head at Y/N with soft look in his eyes.

But Y/N didn't really thought of it much and just waved her hand goodbye.

'Can't wait for the festival. I wonder what Shizuko is doing right now?'

The girl turned on her heel and made her way to the school garden.

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