Part 19

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"Do you actually like that Nagi guy? Like in a romantic way?" Shizuko asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Y/N was taken aback by the sudden question, unsure of how to respond. She had never given much thought to her feelings for Nagi, at least not in a romantic sense.

He's a friend, a pretty lazy one sure, but caring. But.. did she love him? Did he love her? The thought had never crossed her mind.

However, the way he stares at her as if she's the only thing that existed in the world, the fact that he immediately ran to the medical room after winning the match to see if she's alright and the way he stares at her with soft gaze when she's brushing his white hair locks... she couldn't deny that it made her melt.

As she stood there, trying to gather her thoughts, Y/N felt a pang of guilt as she realized that she had not given much thought to how her own feelings for Nagi might affect Shizuko. She had been so focused on her own emotions and the situation with Shizuko that she had not considered how her relationship with Nagi might be perceived. But...

After a moment of hesitation, Y/N locked her eyes with Shizuko, with determined expression even with her cheeks flushed.

"Yeah. I really do."

Shizuko smiled, seeming pleased by Y/N's response. "I see. I think he's amazing too," she said. "My friend recorded today's soccer match and I saw Nagi's cool passes. He's really good huh. I think you two would make a great couple."

Shizuko’s face softened, a gentle smile gracing her lips. Her gaze, full of understanding and a hint of amusement, rested on Y/N’s flushed cheeks.

It was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken, a shared secret whispered between two friends. In that moment, Y/N felt a strange sense of liberation, like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She had finally admitted it, her feelings for Nagi, and in doing so, had opened a door to a new, uncertain chapter.

"...You think?"
"Of course. Who wouldn't fall for you hm?" Shizuko gently nudges Y/N with grin.
Y/N only shyly chuckles in response.

"...Wait. When is your flight again, Shizu?"
"Oh, it's in a week." She awkwardly chuckles. "I can't wait to study at Switzerland.."

The air suddenly hung heavy with unspoken words. She watched Y/N, a flicker of apprehension in her eyes, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

The conversation, though brief, had unearthed a truth Shizuko had been afraid to acknowledge - Y/N's heart belonged elsewhere. It was not a revelation that brought pain, but one that sparked a protective warmth within her. "Y/N," Shizuko said, her voice soft, "I think... it's time you went back to Reo and Nagi. They must be waiting for you."

A faint blush crept onto Y/N's cheeks, her gaze flitting towards the door. Shizuko knew that hesitant nod, the way Y/N's fingers tightened, meant she was already half-way out the door. The guilt was evident, but Shizuko didn't need an explanation.

"Then, I'll see you later Shizu."
"Mhm. Catch ya later,"

As Y/N hurried towards the exit, her footsteps echoing through the quiet space, a genuine, radiant smile bloomed on Shizuko's face. It was a smile born of knowing, of understanding, and of a deep, unwavering affection for Y/N.

She watched her friend disappear into the school yard, her heart filled with a quiet contentment. Y/N was free to chase her own happiness, and that, for Shizuko, was enough.

"...May he treat you like you deserve to be treated, Y/N."

It had been a long conversation. Y/N feels her throat pretty dry.

As she walked towards the schoolyard, the familiar scent of freshly cut grass and the echoing chatter of students washed over her, grounding her back in the present. The scene before her brought a smile to her face. There they were, Nagi and Reo, just as she had pictured them, their backs leaning against the smooth wall of the school building, their gazes fixed on the entrance.

"Hey you two! I'm back!"

Their gazes immediately moved towards the girl and Reo smiled.
"Welcome back! What took you so long?"

"Oh, it's a long story. I'll tell you both some other time," she chuckled as she took a seat between the two. "But right now, I'm really craving for a drink. Sheesh, my throat feels like a fricking desert."

Reo watched Y/N in amusement, before pulling out her favourite drink from his pocket. "You're lucky. While you were talking with your friend, me and Nagi went to the store for some drinks." He handed her the drink. "Here you go."

The girl's eyes sparkled in pure joy as she took a drink from his hand with small 'thanks' and immediately started drinking it.

"Man, you are that thirsty huh?" Nagi mumbled, his eyes firmly locked on Y/N's face.

Y/N let out a relieved sigh and nodded with satisfied smile. "You can't possibly imagine, Nagi."

Reo, with a mischievous glint in his eye, suddenly blurted out, "Hey, wanna grab some coffee and cake at that new café downtown? My treat!"

Y/N and Nagi exchanged glances, their usual banter momentarily forgotten. But the lure of caffeine and Reo’s infectious enthusiasm proved too strong, and soon they were walking down the street, their footsteps light with anticipation.

However, upon arriving at the cozy café, they found themselves facing a predicament. Only one empty table remained, seating just two. As if sensing the tension, Reo, with his usual lightning-fast reflexes, snatched one free chair, sat on it and gestured towards Y/N, his grin widening. "You two go ahead and sit," he said, his words laced with a teasing undertone. "I'll grab us some pastries." Reo, ever the perceptive friend, had noticed the undeniable chemistry between Y/N and Nagi, their shy glances and lingering touches betraying their unspoken feelings.

He knew that a quiet moment together in a crowded café, with only the soft murmur of conversation and the aroma of coffee beans, would be the perfect setting for their shy romance to blossom.

As Reo reached the cash register, he turned his head to see how the future couple are doing. However, instead, he made an eye contact with Y/N and she shamelessly showed the middle finger with glare. Which, in return, Reo only laughs.

an: i LOVEEE nagi, he's so cutie patootie but isagi is always my number one💗💗💗

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