Part 16

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Nagi's brow furrowed, his gaze flitting from Reo's smug grin to the Y/N in question, who was currently chatting with her classmate.

"Jealous?...Me?" Nagi echoed, bewildered. Reo, ever the enigma, only chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Don't underestimate me Nagi. I know that you definitely are. But don't worry! I'll help you." he said with wink, his voice a low murmur.

Nagi stared at him, utterly baffled. Reo's words, his cryptic tone, left him feeling more confused than ever.

'Help me with what?'

Just as Nagi was about to press him for an explanation, a booming voice cut through the air, "Nagi, Reo! Get your heads in the game! It's time to show everyone what you're made of!" Coach's words, coupled with the shrill whistle that pierced the air, jolted Nagi back to reality.

(sorry guys, im hella lazy to write the detailed soccer match so yuh let's skip all that cool stuff)

Time seemed to slow down as he approached the goal, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. With a swift kick, he sent the ball soaring into the net, eliciting an eruption of cheers from his ecstatic teammates.

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The roar of the crowd vibrated through Nagi's chest, a symphony of cheers and whistles as he watched the ball nestle in the back of the net. He had scored, another goal, another victory for his team. His teammates swarmed him, their smiles as bright as the sun, their voices a cacophony of congratulations.

Yet, Nagi's focus remained elsewhere. He scanned the stands, his gaze searching for a familiar face, a familiar smile. He wondered if Y/N was there, watching, maybe even cheering for him.

And by a second, they made eye contact. Everything went silent. Nagi deeply stared with his half-lidded eyes onto Y/N's orbs as if he was asking 'Did you watch me? Scoring that goal?'. Which Y/N in reply, only softly smiled at him and raised her thumbs up. Her smile was already an obvious answer to him.

But as Reo, scored a third goal, Nagi's attention was drawn to the stands once again. The another guy sitting beside Y/N, had accidentally bumped her with his elbow out of excitement, a sharp, jarring impact that sent a trickle of crimson down her nose.

Nagi froze, a silent rage bubbling within him, mixed with a paralyzing panic. The cheers of the crowd turned into gasps, the world around him shrinking to a single point of focus:
Y/N, her face pale, blood staining her (f/c) shirt.

"Y/N..." Nagi mumbled, without being aware of his eyes widening in worry.
Isagi and Reo ran over to Nagi and followed direction of his gaze, "What happened?"

The blue-haired male gasped when he saw Y/N bleeding. And Reo, unsurprisingly, got really worried aswell. Thankfully, to Y/N's luck, some seated girls were kind enough to fastly lead her to the medical room.

Nagi's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic rhythm that mirrored the pounding in his head as he watched Y/N leaving.

The sight of Y/N's pain, the way she clutched her face, a silent scream trapped in her eyes, tore at him. He never saw her face in such state and he never wants to see it again.

But the whistle blew, signaling the start of the second half, and Nagi was forced to turn away. He couldn't simply abandon his team, not when they were neck-and-neck with their opponents.

The stadium buzzed with the roar of the crowd, a distant symphony against the turmoil raging within him. He ran, the ball at his feet, a blur of blue and white against the green field. With each dribble, with each pass, his mind kept returning to Y/N, her face in pain, her trembling hand clutching her nose.

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