Part 10

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As the warm rays of the sun shine down on the school football field, Reo spreads out his arms with a beaming smile and takes in a deep breath.

He can feel the excitement bubbling up inside of him as he looks around and takes in the vibrant atmosphere. This is his favorite place to be – outside on the field, surrounded by his friends and teammates, preparing for the annual sports festival.

While Reo is bouncing around, full of energy and enthusiasm, Nagi, complete opposite of him, is slouched against the goalpost, his eyes half-closed as he lazily kicks a soccer ball around.

"Oi Nagi! Come on, we are starting soon!"
"Just when are they gonna arrive... I'm tired of waiting..."
"Dude only 4 minutes passed..."

As they start to stretch and warm up, Reo notices some of his other teammates arriving.

"Ooh! There you are! Hey guys!"
"Hey Reo!"
"What's up?"

He greets them with his usual exuberance, giving high-fives and cracking jokes. Nagi, on the other hand, simply looks away and stays in his spot, not really eager to engage in small talk.

'Hmm, I wonder what Y/N would have explained me today... But algebra today wasn't that hard surprisingly..'

But as the coach blows the whistle to start practice, Nagi's thoughts fly away and he immediately springs into action, making him and Reo work in perfect sync.

With every drill, every skill, and every play, the two of them work together like a well-oiled machine.

"Man! They're crazy!"
"I know right?!"
"We will totally win with that duo in our team!"

Reo's infectious personality keeps the team motivated and laughing, while Nagi's laid-back attitude helps to keep things calm and relaxed.

After what felt like an eternity to Nagi, coach finally yelled out to everyone to take a break.

Nagi immediately sat down on the grass with his head hanging low, completely in sweat and exhausted.

But as he looks up at the sky, the bottle of water covered the sunlight in his vision.

Confusingly, snow-haired boy turned his head to the side and was greeted with Reo's shining grin,much brighter than the sun.

"Here you go big guy, you did well!"
"Ah, thanks Reo.."

Nagi took the bottle from his grasp and took a big sip with soft sigh, "Hey Reo," He muttered.

"When is that festival gonna be again?"
"I'm pretty sure in 5 days! So we don't really have much time left, we gotta practice alot!"
"Oh man..."

Laughing out loud, Reo threw his arm around Nagi's shoulder and said, "Hey no need to be so negative! I promise everything will be perfect!"
"You think so?"
"I guarantee that!"

"Heyy! How's your practice is going you twoo?"

The duo visibly frozed and whipped their heads at the sound of familiar voice.


Corners of Reo's mouth moved upwards as he recognized his best friend, "Y/N?! Woah! What are you doing here young lady?"


The girl waved at the boys with small smile as she made her way to both of them.

"Haha, my teacher got a sudden call at the start of the lesson and he left the class without saying anything, so I decided to come here."
Reo jokingly gasped, "You're skipping class?!"
"His car wasn't in the parking lot, soo.."

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