Part 14

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(a/n: summer holidays are finally here for me! who else cheered🗣🗣⁉️)


Nagi and Reo, had been tirelessly practicing soccer for weeks, pushing themselves to the limit in preparation for the upcoming sports festival. The grueling training sessions had taken a toll on their bodies, leaving them utterly exhausted.

However, their dedication and hard work had not gone unnoticed, as their teammates and coaches had high expectations for their performance in the festival.

As the day of the sports festival drew near, Nagi and Reo found themselves walking through the school hallways, their fatigue evident in their slow, weary steps.

"Maan, I'm exhausted..."
"Don't worry Nagi, the cafeteria should be near already- Oh wait, look!"

Their eyes were drawn to a familiar figure walking ahead of them, their best friend, Y/N. She was engrossed in her phone, her fingers swiftly scrolling through the screen, oblivious to the sound of their voice.

Reo, always the more outgoing of the two, felt the urge to call out to Y/N,
"Hey Y!-"

but before he could, Nagi had already taken the initiative.

With a lazy, tired mumble, he ran up to Y/N and greeted her, his voice barely audible. "Hi Y/N..."

Reo blinked in surprise and couldn't help but smile in amusement at the scene, watching as his best friend struggled to muster the energy for a proper greeting.

Y/N, startled by Nagi's sudden appearance, looked up from her phone and returned his greeting with her usual smile. "Oh! Hey Nagi! Hi Reo! How is your progress doing?"

"We are great! With Nagi, our team will win much easily!"
"Ahahah," Y/N lightly laughed and turned her head at Nagi, "By your face I can say that practice was tough."
Nagi hung his head low and mumbled, "It was."
"It wasn't." Reo sighed in disappointment.
"Anyway, do you wanna go to cafeteria with us? The big guy over here got hungry." He suggested, motioning with his thumb at Nagi beside him.

Y/N nodded, "Sure. I'm also a bit of hungry."
"Alright then! Let's go you two."

Without a moment's hesitation, they seized her by the arm and whisked her along, their own lively banter echoing through the corridors.

As the trio approached the cafeteria, the aromas of culinary delights wafted through the air, mingling enticingly with the sound of chattering students.

The clatter of trays and the murmur of conversations filled the air in the cafeteria, but it was Bachira's voice that cut through it all.

He stood up from his chair, his bright, almost maniac grin stretched wide as he surveyed the room. His eyes, sharp and restless, landed on the trio who were too occupied by looking for the empty table. Just when Isagi was about to ask Bachira what's wrong, the said male yelled out, "Yo, Reo, Nagi, and Y/N!"

Bachira's voice boomed across the room, drawing every eye to him. "Come on, come on, gather 'round! This is the greatest spot in the whole cafeteria!" He gestured dramatically to his table, where three vacant seats sat patiently waiting. And Isagi sheepishly smiling at them with soft apology.

The cafeteria fell silent, everyone watching with stifled amusement, as a slight blush crept up Y/N's neck, Reo blinked in surprise, and Nagi simply raised an eyebrow in an unreadable manner. Bachira, oblivious to the stares, continued, "C'mon, don't be shy!" He punctuated his invitation with a playful wink, a grin that was part childish exuberance, part playful challenge.

In the dead silence, the trio wordlessly nodded their heads at each other and took a seat next to Bachira.

"...Was it necessary to yell out so loudly?"
Reo nodded with hum, agreeing with Y/N, "Yeah, you crossed a line a bit there..."

Bachira playfully swayed his hand with small 'meh' and started excitingly rambling about his day.

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