Part 24

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Nagi and Y/N were sprinting through the storm, their feet pounding against the slick pavement as the rain pelted down around them.

As they ran, Nagi's hair whipped around his face, the strands sticking to his skin and obscuring his vision. He swiped at his eyes, trying to clear his sight, but the rain only seemed to make things worse.

Beside him, Y/N was panting heavily, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to keep up with Nagi's pace. The rain was soaking their clothes, making them heavy and clinging to their limbs, and the wind was biting and sharp against their skin.

Nagi could see his house up ahead, the warm yellow lights glowing through the windows and beckoning them like a beacon in the storm.

'Ugh, finally! Wait... Did I forgot to turn off the lights?'

"Y/N we are almost near! Come on!"
"Oh God.."

He gritted his teeth and pushed himself to go faster, his legs burning with the effort as he urged Y/N on. They were so close, just a few more steps and they would be safe and dry inside.

As they reached the front door, Nagi fumbled with his keys, his hands shaking from the cold and the adrenaline. Finally, he managed to get the key into the lock and twisted it, pushing the door open and stumbling inside, Y/N close on his heels.

They stood there for a moment, gasping and dripping wet, the rain still beating down outside and the wind howling around the corners of the house.

Nagi let out a sudden shaky laugh as he looked at Y/N, his eyes sparkling with exhilaration and relief. Y/N raised her eyebrows at Nagi's sudden outburst.

They could feel the cold droplets dripping off of them and pooling at their feet, leaving a small puddle on the floor.

They both looked at each other, knowing that they needed to get out of their wet clothes as soon as possible, or they would catch a cold.

"Man, that was tough..."
Y/N sighed, "I don't feel my legs at all..."
"You can go and take shower first,"
"Really? Thanks!"

Just as Y/N was about to head towards the bathroom to take a bath and dry herself off,

"Nagi? Did you actually brought someone?"

Nagi was taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise.

'When did father came?! I was so sure that parents wouldn't be home! Why did they had to return so soon... How should I explain about Y/N...'

He looked over at Y/N, who seemed equally confused and unsure of what to do. Nagi knew that he needed to come up with an explanation fast, or else his father would start asking questions that neither of them would be able to answer.

He swallowed hard, trying to calm his nerves, and turned to his father, who was staring at them with a puzzled, but not much angry expression on his face.

Nagi's 'x' mouth appeared on his face, trying his best to appear calm and collected. "Uh, Dad, you're home early," he said, hoping that his voice wouldn't betray his anxiety. "I wasn't expecting you back for another hour or so."

Nagi's father raised an eyebrow. "I know, me and your mother are here because we forgot to pick up our gift." he replied. "But who is the girl and why is she here with you? What's going on?"

Nagi gulped, feeling his heart racing in his chest. He knew that he needed to come up with a believable excuse, but his mind had gone blank. He looked over at Y/N, hoping for some help, but Y/N had gone completely silent, not knowing what to say.

Just as Nagi was about to come up with something, his mother appeared behind his father, her face remains completely stoic. "Hm? Seishiro, who is that girl over there? Your friend?"

Nagi felt his stomach drop, knowing that the situation was only getting worse.

Feeling his nerves getting the best of him, Nagi took a deep breath. But before he could open his mouth,

"Hello! My name is Y/N L/N! I'm Nagi's classmate but me and him are actually friends for awhile now. I'm here because my parents are not home and I don't have my keys with me.. Nagi's house was the closest to school so he offered me to stay over at his house. My mother will arrive tommorow and pick me up." Y/N slightly bowed with shy smile, "I hope you're okay with me staying over."

The pregnant silence stretched between them. The tension in the air made Y/N really uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Nagi's father smiled and lightly clasped his hands together, "Ah, I see! Now I understand, Y/N. Welcome to our house!"

Nagi's mother nodded beside him, "Yes. We are glad to meet you. I'm happy to know that Seishiro has another friend."
"Mom..." Nagi mumbled shyly.

'Hmm... So, Nagi got a stoic expression from his mother huh?' Y/N mumbled in her thoughts.

"Please feel free to use our bath! You poor kids have been running during a rain," Nagi's father gently smiled and turned his head towards Nagi, "Seishiro, me and your mother are leaving now. At the stove there's a chicken soup in the pot, please eat it while it's hot, okay?"
Nagi nodded, "Okay dad."
"But if soup won't be enough, you guys can order something." He put on his jacket and handed the cash to Nagi.
"Got it, thank you for the money."

"Of course. Have a great time!"
"We're off now Seishiro. Don't open the door to anyone."
Nagi held the urge to groan. "Yeah yeah I know..."

The door finally closed with a gentle click. A few minutes later, Nagi handed the towel, shampoo and body gel to Y/N.

"Here you go, if you need anything else, don't be shy and tell me."
"Noted. Thank you Nagi! Appreciate it."
His cheeks blushed with shade of strawberries. "...Sure."

While Y/N was washing herself, Nagi decided to wait and killed time by playing games.

But as he was about to make a kill, realization hit him as if a cold water was thrown onto his face.

'Wait.. Once Y/N is done, then she... will wear my clothes.... I mean, it would be nice to see it... But still!'

The phone, that was thrown and long forgotten in the pillow, he covered his face with his cold hands to stop his face from heating. 'Ahh, she will look even more cuter with my clothes on... Shit...'


Nagi's phone buzzed and he picked it up from the pillow. "Hm? Oh, it's Reo."


So how was it?

it went good.

Haha! Told you it will go great! But I hope you two managed to get home before it started raining? Because the weather is really bad right now.


What's up?

..she's staying over for a whole night in my house.


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