Chapter 36

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It was easy to tell something was off. Whispers and stares had followed them from the inn through the dirt roads of the city, and now, as they approached the imposing gates of the Red keep, Lilith's instincts were practically screaming at her to get the fuck out of there.

"What is this?" Bael murmured, slowing his horse to a halt.

Lilith followed his gaze to the right of the gates where dozens of guards were marching towards them, none of the demon soldiers looking particularly happy at their arrival, "I don't like this, Bael."

He turned to her then, studying her expression before nodding and swinging down from his horse. Ignoring the approaching guards, Bael had eyes only for Lilith as he stepped up beside her horse's shoulder.

"You don't have to stay, my Queen."

Lilith's stomach dropped in surprise, "Bael, no...I..."

The demon smiled gently, placing a large hand on her knee, "It's okay, Lilith, it's okay if this is too much."

The thud of boots closing in, she looked down at Bael's earnest face and shook her head, "I'm with you, we're in this together."

The marching had stopped now, the guards completely blocking their entry to the Keep. Were they too late? Had Apollyon been successful in his coup?

"Are you sure?"

She bit her lip at the final offer of an out, and it was so tempting, but Lilith had given up a lot to be here, maybe too much, she had to see it through.

Lilith focused on the demon lord beside her, "I'm sure."

Bael's smile faded as he gave her a serious nod and squeezed her leg. She watched as he somehow drew himself up to an even greater height, squaring his shoulders and turned with a glare toward the demons blocking their path.

"I am Bael, Lord of the Northern lands, what is the meaning of this?!" He boomed, several of the guards stiffened.

An officer stepped forward, pressing his fist to his chest and bowing, "I'm terribly sorry, my Lord. We were not expecting it to be you." He straightened, his face paling when he met Bael's icy gaze, "Let us escort you the rest of the way."

Bael stared a moment longer, Lilith knew it was just to unnerve the poor demon, before he finally nodded agreement.

"Very well."


Bael was like a force of nature.

The courtyard was crawling with various members of the court, guards and servants, all of which parted before him as he marched towards the front of the Keep on foot.

Still mounted, Lilith rode not far behind him, scanning the crowd cautiously. There was a distinct absence of wraiths. In fact, she hadn't seen a single one since they had arrived, and it was making her uneasy. All eyes were on her, and they didn't feel friendly. She bristled under the scrutiny, glaring at anyone daring to meet her gaze. She felt vulnerable; she didn't like feeling vulnerable. An eerie silence had fallen over the horde of demons within the inner walls.

"Captain?" Bael suddenly barked, the crowd scrambling back even further.

One demon stepped forward, thumping his chest with his fist, "Yes, my Lord?"

"Where are the wraiths?"

Good question...

The captain baulked, "Ahh... well... um..."

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