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right now I'm infront of cheunwang international high school to take my exams.

"young miss, your grandfather wishes you good luck on your exams" my grandmother's secretary Ms. Miyawaki said.

"okay." i shortly replied.

"hey isn't that yunjin?"

"yunjin? who's that?"

"you know, the girl from the HK group. she's always top of her class"

"oh my! you mean the granddaughter of the hk group's ceo?"

"just look at how lovely she is! and such porcelain-like skin! i wonder what skin care products she uses?"

"i don't think you need to make that big of a deal. not like she's the ceo or anything"

"watch your mouth! you should be nice to her"

i heard a murmur from the other students.


[at hk building]

"what? what happened to yunjin?" the ceo mrs. Song asked.

"well, madam. i saw that she had a bruises on all over her body yesterday." Ms. Miyawaki said "I'm afraid the bullying at school has gotten worse." she continued.

"noting has come up online, right?" the ceo asked while looking at the big glass mirror revealing the busy city from inside her office.

"no, ma'am. security has been monitoring social media so there's no need to worry." she said while looking on the ipad in her arms.

"we mustn't allow any of this to get out. The last thing we need is more people gossiping about yunjin." mrs. Song said as she light up the cigarette.

"yes, ma'am."

"none of this would be a problem if she had been accepted to cheunwang international high school!" the old woman shouted in anger,

"as of member of my family, it's an embarrassment to be going to such a disputable school!"

"she has the option of studying abroad." the younger said.

"no, yunjin would never go along with it, it was difficult enough having her settle down here" the older woman said and she inhale the cigarette.

"hmm, what should we do then? it's not possible to have a bodyguard at school" Ms. Miyawaki said and a few seconds later she come up with an idea "that's it! i have an idea! please let me take care of this."


there are so many cameras surrounding the place and cameras were flashing.

"move aside! no photos!" the bodyguards shout covering the man's face.

"hey! you son of a bitch!" a random guy butt in with a knife on his hand and ready to attack the man in suit.

as the random guy was about to attack the older man, a girl bodyguard came in and kick the random guy's hand causing the knife to fall off on his hand. the girl tackle him on the ground.

"let me go! I'm gonna kill him!" the ramdom guy shouted in anger.

"hurry! get out of here!" the girl shouted.

"this way congressman!" the guard guide the congressman.

the girl sigh in a relief and suddenly felt a sharp thing dugged in on her side.

she looked at it and saw the guy had stabbed her on her side.

"i told you to get lost! my family went bankrupt because of that bastard!" he shouted.

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now