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"excuse me, sir. I'm sorry but aren't you karina's stepdad?" you asked without letting go of his arm.


"you shouldn't treat her like this if you're her dad" you spoke, glaring at him, "shouldn't real dads cherish their kids and be heartbroken when they get hurt?" you pause for a moment, "at least that's what I think."

"y/n, I'm fine. Just go home." karina said before gently pulling your shirt, "my dad is just a bit drunk....I'll be alright, so just go, okay?"

"let me go you punk!" karina's stepdad yelled as he shove your grip off.

"so, is this who you were with the entire day? is this how you spend your time? fooling around with teenagers?" he growl before turning at you, "what did you do instead of sending her back home?....I'm asking what fucked up shit you did to her all day, you damn bastard!"

karina had enough, she grab her shoulder bag and starts hitting her stepdad with it, "shut up! just die you piece of trash!" she screamed.

"k-karina" you called out for her.

her stepdad fell on the ground, "you ungrateful little!"

"this is so embarrassing...it's just so fucking embarrassing!" she said, running away.



-The Next Day-

you were waiting infront of the school gate as you text karina.

Yu Karina

hey karina, you alright? did you go home last night?-

did something happen? why isn't she replying back? you thought.

"look who's here! the bully girl!" one of the students shouted as he laugh.

it caught your attention so you looked up to see yunjin passing by while eyeing you.

"someone looks troubled" she said as you widened your eyes.

"hey, you're here! it's nice to see you back at school finally!" you exclaimed as you walked beside her, "school's way better than home right?"

she stopped walking and looked up at you, "yeah, whatever. why didn't you send me a picture?" she glared.


"i told you to send me a photo when you get home. why didn't you send it to me, huh?" she crossed her arms.

"oh, i totally forgot, I'll send it now." you said as you send her the photo.

"by the way, was everything alright? didn't your grandmother say anything?" you asked worriedly.

"no, she didn't say anything." she respond.

"really? that's a relief."

yunjin's phone made a sound, she received the picture.

karina arrived at the front gate as she eyed the two of you.

you felt her presence, you looked up from your phone as you followed her by your gaze. she has her head down while walking, you can't help but worry.

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now