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"h-hey yunjin..." i stuttered, my cheeks turning red from her unexpected embrace.

"are they gone now?" she whispered softly.

"what? oh, i don't see them now, but I'm sure we'll be fine if we stay here a little while longer," I whispered back while scanning the surroundings.

for a moment, silence devours us until she finally broke it, asking, "hey, do you know what?"


"your heart is beating really fast right now" yunjin whispered, her words catching me off guard.

"n-no, it's not what you think! I-I'm just nervous about those guys!" I defended, my heartbeat quickening.

"yeah, that's exactly what i was referring to. What else were you thinking?" she said, leaving me no choice but to groan in defeat.

"what are you so worried about? my family assuming we're together?” she chuckled, her amusement obvious.

"I-isn't it obvious? i mean, yeah, who knows? they might do something to me" I trailed off.

"what the hell are you talking about? It's not like they're in a gang." she replied, bewildered by my overreaction.

"don't worry, sissy" she continued, her hold on me tightening, "What could anyone do if i say it's nothing like that? and just a reminder, i have high standards. You're not really my type."

"I-I'm well aware of that!" I protested.

"even if someone puts a knife to my throat, I'm never going out with--" before she could even finish her sentence, i cut her off.

"okay okay! I get your point!"

we stay in that position for a moment before she let go and taking a step away from me.

"I'm stepping out first" she announced.

"huh? what are you talking about? why would you do that?" I questioned.

"there's no point hiding here if they're waiting at the main gate" she said, "I'll go home with them, you can come out later" she explained.

I just stood there watching her as she grab her cap from the ground before wearing it "see ya" she said before completely despaired from my sight.


that scared me to death i sigh while looking at the bus window.

i suppose she's on the way home, hope she didn't sneak off somewhere else i thought when suddenly the scene earlier where she hugged me pop into my head causing me to blush.

"seriously, what's with yunjin teasing people?" i groan.

my phone suddenly rang, seeing jay's name lighting up the screen.


i took a deep breath before twisting the door knob.

"I'm home" i announced, choco eagerly wagging his tail and barkings greeted me.

i picked him up, "aww, how have you been, choco? did you eat?" i asked as i shower him with kisses.

"you're back," my grandmother's voice rang out, startling me but I quickly regained my composure.

"yes, grandma" i answered, redirecting my attention to choco, "do you want to play ball with me?"

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now