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"y-you've been here all the time?" i uttered.

"....." she grabbed the pillow and start hitting me with it.

"why are you looking at me like that?? i was just taking a rest here!" yunjin yelled as she keep hitting me.

"my head! you're hitting my head! stop!" i begged 'cause she's hitting my wound.

when she realize it she immediately stopped and check my head.

"are you hurt? where is it? here?" she asked worriedly while looking for it.

"yeah, right there" i said.

"who did this? did that upperclassman do this to you?" she asked.

i remain silent 'cause I'm surprised by her action.

and when she realize it she grabbed the pillow again and hit my head one last time and stood up.

"argh!" i groan.

"it doesn't even look bad, quit your whining" she walked away and slam the door closed.

"hold on, she must've everything i said?"

argh! so what now???

why me?!



i went to the bathroom and wash my face.

"that moron"


when i remember what she said my face became red without me even noticing it.

"what an ugly idiot!" i shouted and throw the tissue aggressively to the trash bin.



*murmur* *murmur*

"what? love at first sight?"

"yeah, that's what she said"

"that's so creepy! please tell me it's not true"

"i guess y/n has a peculiar taste in girls. What does she sees in yunjin?"

"didn't you hear her? she thinks she's pretty!" the student laugh.

"you shouldn't speak so loudly, y/n might flip out if we keep bad mouthing yunjin"

"you guys don't know anything about love!" kazuha scold them while eunchae's checking your face and squeeze it.

you glance at yunjin and she seems feel it, she looked over her shoulder and caught you staring at her.

"don't stare at me!" she mouthed.

"w-what?! no, you got it all wrong!" i mouthed back.

"am i that pretty?" she seductively mouth.

what the? is she for real?! you thought but you couldn't help but to blushed.

"can't take your eyes off me, huh?" she said and smirked.

i frown.

"what do you like about me? my pretty eyes or nose?" she asked while blinking a multiple times.

"how am i supposed to know?!" i asked back.

"look at them, disgusting"

"so gross" the class starting to murmuring again.

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now