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"oh my god! look at all those!" kazuha exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement as she took in the array of rides all around them.

"are they all brand new?!" eunchae asked.

"ohh, that one looks so scary!" chaewon exclaimed, pointing at a particular ride.

eunchae's attention was captured by a large poster nearby.


"wasn't this place supposed to be opening next week? did they open earlier?" eunchae wondered, looking at Jay.

"yunjin's family rented the whole place out before it opens. it's just us here for the day, so play and eat as much as you want" he answered, smiling.

"w-what are you saying?!" yunjin whisper shout, turning to glare at jay.

"woah! rich as fuck family on another level!" kazuha exclaimed.

"alright everyone get changed, meet here in twenty minutes!" jay clapped his hands, issuing instructions.

"okay!" the group quickly heading off to change.

yunjin and jay remained, watching as the others disappeard from their sight.

yunjin turned to jay and asked, "jay, what the hell? why are you doing this?"

jay turned to face yunjin, a sincere expression on his face as he answered, "it's just i want you to get along with your friends"

"it's fine, i can take care of it"-yunjin

"are you just gonna hang out with me every day? put aside your pride for once and make friends with those guys, okay? and make up with y/n too" jay urged, smiling before turning to leave.

"what are you gonna do without me?" he added, shaking his head and walking away.

yunjin's eyes widened at the question, and she anxiously asked, "...why? are you leaving again?"

jay pause for a second before answering, "nope, I'm not. let's go in"

jay was about to take another step when yunjin grabbed his arm.

"where are you going?!" yunjin demanded, her tone laced with worry, as if she didn't want him to leave her again.

jay turned to face yunjin, seeing the concerned look on her face.

he leaned into yunjin, gently cupping her cheek as he reassured her, "I'm not. I'm just worried about you, that's all"

"you sure?"-yunjin

"of course, I'm not leaving without your permission" jay affirmed, caressing her cheek with a warm smile.

suddenly, you reappeared, having forgotten something, and unintentionally witnessed the tender moment between them.


everyone was having a blast, trying out the long slides, except for yunjin, who was casually lounging on a sunlounger.

kazuha let out a gleeful shriek as she slid down, and as she splashed into the water, the group burst into laughter at her expression.

"...is it that fun? but he was supposed to hang out with me!" yunjin grumbled.

meanwhile, you were observing the activities when karina abruptly splashed water in your face. "hey!" you exclaimed, glaring at her, before retaliating with a splash back.


everyone exited the pool and headed towards the next one.

"let's go on that one!" chaewon yelled excitedly.

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