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"what the hell are you doing? are you really trying to kill me?!" i alarmed. "come on, put it away" but instead she pressed it even harder, but not that hard to leave a mark on it.

"out with it." she said.

"hey, you suck at lying, you know that?" she asked. "you really didn't think this through....you thought I'd just buy what you said?" after she said that she kicked my feet so hard.

"ahh! why would you do that?!" i groan.

"you're an asshole, stay the hell away of me" she said and turn around ready to leave "if you don't...i will really kill you." she walked away.

argh! what the heck am i supposed to do?! i have no idea what to do!!


"i will never gonna get on her good side" i talked to myself.

"whatever, i don't care. I'm quitting! i never should've agreed to this job! it doesn't even make any sense if you think about it. The money is not worth it!" i frown "that's it! I'm definitely quitting!"

then suddenly someone spoke behind me "go to hell, jerkface!" i looked over my shoulder and saw the bully guy holding a bat ready to attack me.




I'm in the nurse's room laying down while talking to choco on a phone call.

"hey choco, did you eat something yummy?" i asked as he barked.

"so cute" i chuckled.

suddenly a notification was shown that I'm being added to a group chat.

-yunjin, i saw you stalking y/n.

-you need her attention too? lol.

-so gross

-i bet you got rejected lol that's why you're acting all weird.

-no one would be into a girl like you.

-i bet that her dad went died cause he didn't wanna raise her.

-poor grannie, you should have never been born.

-hey guys, you know that she can sue us lol.

-yeah, whatever. We can all sue her back.

-there's nothing to be afraid of, we've got a lot to say.

-just go and die.

*sent a sleepy sticker*

you guys really have a lot of time on your hands, go ahead and sue me then, you morons-

I'm in the nurse's room, Don't forget to let the teachers know, okay?

-you are really asking for it you bitch!

-shut the fuck up.

*you left the chat*

they're so obsessed with me huh.

i snapped out of my thoughts when i heard someone's talking.

"are you alright?! sit down, where's the school nurse?" the voice sounds familiar.

"i don't think she's here, I'll go and look for her."

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now