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how many times around the court has it been already? what is she planning to talk about?

i need to get going now to come back with his order whitin 20 minutes... i thought while I was looking at the time from my phone.

i looked up and saw yunjin, she just kept walking, does it even have an end? does she have a plan on stop walking?

"yunjin? so what do you want to sa-"

"JUST WAIT WILL YOU?" she bellowed.

"oh, okay"


it's been five minutes now and it looks like she has no plan on talking.

"umm, yunjin?"

"Ugh! what? what is it? why are you rushing me? do you have other plans??" she groans as she turns to face me with an angry look.

"I-It's just that...i need to help with the class chores and...." i nervously chuckled.

"are the chores that important? are you saying that you don't wanna waste your precious time on me, huh?" she growl.

damn, what's wrong with this woman? she can't stop being angry, does her mom ate a bomb when she was still in her tummy?

"oh..no, It's not like that.." I tried to explain but she keeps jumping in.

"no, I get it. I shouldn't have called you, i wasted your valuable time, right?!" i widen my eyes 'cause damn she looks like an angry bird that will explode in a second.

"go do your precious chores then! seriously pisses me off!"

"hey, what's wrong? what is it huh?" I asked and ran a little to match her walk since she's walking too fast.

"forget it, buzz off."

"hey, come on, tell me please?"

she groan first before talking "argh! thank you! that's what I wanted to say, okay?!"

"what?" i asked confusedly.

"because that day i was the reason all that happened and you know, you even got hurt and all!" she yelled.

my eardrums are going to explode in a minute.

"anyway, thanks. Are you happy now?" she crossed her arms.

"..." i was speechless.

"i said it, okay? don't you forget it!" she walked away.

she thanked me? what's with her all of a sudden?

"hey, yunjin--" my phone buzz.


-you seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

i quickly roam my eyes around my surroundings to see if he's around, and yes, he is. He's looking at me while showing me his broken watch.

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