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the driver dropped yunjin at school.

"have a great day at school, miss" the driver said as soon as he opened the car door for the young miss.

"thanks" yunjin thank him as she starts walking.

"hey yunjin!" you greet her.

you've been waiting for her for about 15 minutes now.

"good morning" you said as she made her way to you.

"what are you doing here? were you waiting for me?" she asked as you nod.

"yup, there are a lot of weirdos and bullies at school, so I'm here to protect you as your knight in shining armor." you said with a big smile on your face.

"....don't you have something to do?" she asked.

she didn't wait for your response and start walking.

"you know what, do whatever you want." she blunt.

"if you say so" you said as you walk beside her.

"so did you come up with anything?" yunjin asked while looking at her phone.

"what do you....oh, you mean for hanging out together?" you asked but she didn't respond.

"um, how about we go after the mid-terms? we have to study, right? i mean they're right around the corner." you said.

she kept quiet for a seconds and said "fine, let's go after"

"look at you, are you gonna start studying?" you questioned.

"it's none of your business." yunjin blunt.

you two continue walking and then you saw a pebbles on her way.

"hey, watch out for that pebbles!" you shouted dramatically.

"get away from me!" she shouted back while stepping away from you.

"those two love birds are coming to school together now too?" Ningning said while munching her ice cream.

"ew, I can't stand them, so gross!" Giselle said.

"what's the problem? two loners together! they're a match made in heaven!" sunghoon exclaimed as he laugh.

then suddenly someone interrupt them.

"um, excuse me, can i get through?" the girl asked as they turned their head to look at the girl.

"huh? oh sure" jake said.

"thank you!" the girl said as she starts walking while looking at them.

"dang, she's so pretty. Does she go to our school? how come I've never noticed that girl?" jake muttered.

"you think she's pretty? say that again!" Giselle glared but jake remain his mouth shut.

"why don't you?!" Giselle punch Jake's shoulder.

"maybe i should try talking to her?" sunghoon said.

the pretty girl starts laughing that caught them off guard.

"idiots, you think I'm pretty?" the girl asked. "guys, it's me karina"

"what are you really karina?!" Giselle said as she made her way to karina.

"what have you done to your face? i didn't recognize you" jake said while his hands are on giselle's head.

"let me guess, you didn't come to school because you had to recover from plastic surgery, not the burns on your face?" Ningning said.

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