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I'm already on my way home but I can't stop thinking about what I've said earlier.

this isn't good. no it's a disaster.

"you better watch your back" the bully said as he left the room.

i looked at yunjin and she's just staring at me blankly.


what do i do now?

of all the things to come out of my mouth, why did it have to be.....!

no wait! then what else am i supposed to say? anyone in my position would've said the exact same thing, right?

what other reason is there to butt in?

this is perfect! right?! yeah! this will work! i thought excitedly as i jump multiple times that earned an attention from the other passengers here in the train.

no wait, how am i supposed to treat her?! am i supposed to pretend that i like her from now on? ugh! stupid stupid!



i walked down the stairs and feed choco as i sat across my grandmother on the table.

"so, how are things in school? is everything alright?" she asked as she cut the steak.

"yes, everything's fine." i shortly replied.

"and no one's bothering you? you can tell me and I'll take care of it, you shouldn't waste your time on such matters." she said.

"i can handle it on my own, no need to worry" i said as i put the steak into my mouth.

she looked at me and said "handle it on your own? your report cards says the opposite."

"how long do you plan on continuing like this? isn't it about time you stop with this rebellious teen act and go back to acting like yourself?" she added.

"act like myself, huh? oh, you mean the model student and bookworm that was brought up so well under the care of her loving grandmother?" i asked in sarcastically way.

"what's with your tone?" she asked.

i showed her my phone screen and said "don't you remember? that's what they wrote in the article....i saved it" i giggle sarcastically "what did it say exactly...oh, here it is!"

"company owner Song, overcame the grief of having lost her only son and is now respected and praised by many for raising her granddaughter singlehandedly while successfully running her company" i laugh.

"i get why you're on edge since you put all that effort into crafting the perfect image, you wouldn't want me ruining it." i looked at her and i became satisfied when i saw her eyes were on fire. "i can't believe it's already been three years since this interview!" i added to pissed her off even more.

"you don't look any older, how much botox did you take?" i asked mockingly.

i looked up from my phone and saw her already standing beside me and slapped me.

"your rudeness appalls me" she grinned her teeth. "i don't know where did you got that attitude from, but i certainly didn't teach you to behave this way"

"don't you dare blame me for not getting accepted into that international school, does it make you feel any better lashing out at your old grandmother?" she asked.

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now