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the scene was chaotic as ambulances and police officers swarmed the area, attending to the wounded, including kazuha.

chaewon trailed behind yunjin, her concern evident, "are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?" she asked.

jay nodded in agreement with chaewon, a hint of worry in his voice, "you need a check-up. you can never be sure"

"don't worry, I'll be fine." yunjin dismissed their concerns with a dismissive wave.

chaewon and jay halted in their tracks as someone shouted, while yunjin continued walking, disinterested, her gaze fixated on her phone and oblivious to the commotion around her.

"let me go! let me go!" heeseung squirmed and protested as the cops restrained him, "why arrests me?! look what they did to me! I'm the victim here!"

a cop responded firmly, "alright, we'll talk at the station, kid!"

"what if that guy comes back to harass yunjin again?" chaewon asked worriedly, "they probably can't do much 'cause he's a minor"

"don't worry, he'll never be able to do a thing he wants ever again. not only at school, but even afterwards. he won't know why, but he'll never find a job, he'll just grow old as a mere loser." jay stared at heeseung with a chilling and intense gaze, "living a worthless life in a prison without bars, just waiting slowly for death to come." he added.

you called out to yunjin from inside the ambulance window, "hey yunjin!aren't you going to the hospital?!" you asked worriedly.

a paramedic held you for support, instructing sternly, "hey kid! stop moving, lie down!"

yunjin forced a smile in response, "I'm fine, don't worry about me and go get treated. you need the treatment"

"are you sure? i think you need it too..."

"c'mon kid!"-parademic

wiith concern etched on your face, you turned to yunjin and urged, "if it hurts anywhere at all, make sure you see a doctor, okay? promise me!"


you smiled and laid down on the stretcher.

"do you think I've hurt my bone?" you asked the parademic.

"we'll see" the parademic answered.

yunjin stood still, her gaze fixed on the ambulance.

"if you're worried, do you wanna go with her? i know you're here 'cause you're worried about her." jay suddenly spoke staring at yunjin.

yunjin continued moving without a hint of concern, "nah, who cares if she dies or not. all i did was clean up the mess i made." she said dismissively.

jay hastened his steps to catch up with yunjin and walked alongside her, "is it because she didn't go the other way?" he questioned, scratching his nape. "it's a misunderstanding, i told her to go to karina. i was so worried about you when she told me what was happening" jay explained.

"whatever, i said I don't care. let's go home, I'm tired." yunjin replied curtly.

"y/n!" karina called out, prompting yunjin to turn her head towards you.

"wait up! can i hope in?" karina asked the paramedic who was about to shut the back door.

you looked at karina and asked, "you coming with me?"

"hehe, yeah. i was worried, you okay?" karina said as she hoped in.

"alright, we're leaving" the parademic announced as he closed the back door, and the ambulance set off, driving away.

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