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i was walking home when things keep recalling in my mind.

"i thought she was the granddaughter of some major corporation's ceo? why is she being treated like that?" i asked as i shove the spoon in my mouth.

"what do you mean? you saw how she acted, she thinks everyone here is beneath her." kazuha said while munching her ice cream.

"yeah, like she's at the top and we're at the bottom, i am right?" eunchae said.

"at first, everyone was eager to be her friend because of her status, but not anymore" eunchae said, "i heard she didn't passed the entrance exam for some elite high school, can't remember the name though" she added.

"i guess it must've been annoying for her to go to a school like ours full of commoners, right? a princess among the beasts" kazuha said and they laugh.

"yeah, just like this beast right here" eunchae laugh as she point at kazuha using her popsicle stick.

kazuha stopped laughing and glare at eunchae.

this isn't good.

"also send me any details about her bullies if you can, who they are, what they did, the more detail, the better" ms. miyawaki words repeated in my head.

it's not just a few people that are bullying her i thought as i stepped inside the building that I'm living in. the hk group's.

ah! why do i get the feeling that I'm screwed...how am i supposed to help a girl like her? i groan as i unlocked my room and throw myself into the couch.

"if the young miss ever finds out about you, our contract will be over immediately."

she would think it's weird if i just jumped in to help her right away i look at my side and widen my eyes.

"wow...what a nice view, is this what rich people see every time they come home?" i asked myself in disbelief.

i grab the kimpab from the paper bag that i brought on the way home and took a big bite on it.




"class dismissed!" the teacher dismissed us.

i glance at yunjin and saw her leaving the classroom so i followed her.

"Hey yunjin!" i greet her and she look over her shoulder.

"is this the way to the science lab? i don't know where it is." i nervously said as i scratch my nape.

she just look at me for a few seconds and turn away as she start walking without saying anything.

"you're going there too?! right, let's go together!" i cheerfully said and ran to catch up to her.

i'll befriend her first!

"by the way, were you okay yesterday? i saw everything, they were really mean." i break the ice. After a few seconds she didn't respond instead she keep walking without looking back.

"i guess no one taught them any manners, huh?" i said as i chuckle nervously.

".....you bored?" she asked without looking back.

"what? ah, no. well....i just transferred, so I don't know anyone here, I'm just dying to make a friends" i said as i giggle.

"then piss off and die." yunjin said.

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