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i was now sitting at my favorite spot which is the swing here in school, thinking of what happened earlier.

a leeches? a blood-sucking leeches???

"you making me sick, piss off" her words repeated in my head.

how can she be so arrogant?! not all of us were lucky enough to be born with a golden spoon in our mouths.

"do i really have to keep putting up with this?" i asked myself as i scratch my forehead eagerly.

my phone suddenly goes off....my mom is calling.

"yeah, mom?" i asked.

"hi sweetie, how's your bodyguard duties? you must be so tired between work and school" she said with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"I'm still just a trainee so there's not much to do"

"I'm so proud of you, honey! to think that a huge company like the HK group offered you a fulltime scholarship to work for them! i couldn't be happier!" she said in a excitement tone "though i wonder why you have to keep this all a secret? I'm dying to tell the neighbors! i don't know what to say when they keep asking why you left for seoul. I'd be the envy of the neighborhood if they all knew!" she added.

"um, so mom...."

"you don't have to worry about me, y/n" "the money we got from selling the store will be enough to tide us over from now, i threw the money right in their faces!" she bragged as she chuckle.

"there's no way I'm going to just sit back and take what they did! not when I'm the mom of such a wonderful daughter!" i was speechless.

after a few seconds of silence.


"good for you, mom. I'll send over the money every month so don't be in any rush to start working, okay?" i bite my lips hard to prevent myself from crying.

"thank you, y/n! I'm sorry that i couldn't do better as your mom....i wish you could have just gone to school and enjoyed being a kid instead, you had to work part-time to help out in any way that you can. But look at you now, you've already secured a job, i-i'm so p-proud!" looks like she's crying behind the phone.

"argh, mom! don't cry! I'm going to hung up now, I'll call you soon, okay? bye..." i hung up.

i slapped my face using the both of my hands.

so what if the situation is crappy? it's only for two years, i can do this.

use the person you hate to your advantage, that's your motto, right?!

all i have to do is get the money, I'm promised!


uh...but how am i supposed to do about this? yunjin will just continue to be more suspicious of me if i keep acting the way i do

i was snapped out when i heard something.

i look at where the sound came from and saw a tall man who looks like a bully and he's scolding someone and it turns out to be kazuha.

"didn't i tell you to keep the underclassmen in line?!" the guy said who's looks like the leader of their gang or sum.

"you think I'm just a joke to you?!" he shouted.

"I-i'm sorry" kazuha apologize.

"hey come on, smile, don't tell me you shits got a problem with me?" he asked.

"no! not at all" kazuha exclaimed.

"tsk, are those bullies? how cliché."


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