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"w-why are you here?!" you asked in shock.

"answer me, what is this? you two are going out?" jay asked looking at the both of you.

"what?! it's not nothing like that at all!"-y/n

"then, explain yourself. why are you flirting with her?" he furrowed eyebrows.

"he's the seonbae who's friends with yunjin, right? what's up with him?" karina whisper to you while giving jay a dirty look "why does he care whether we're going out or not?"

"I knew something was shady about you. I warned you, didn't i? you think I'm just joking around? you're dead" he glared at you.

"Argh, It's not what you think it is! she just came over to my house to study--" jay didn't let you finished your words and jump in.

"what? you were alone with her at home and what??"

"can you let me finish first?!" you screamed.

"yeah, we are! what you gonna do about it, huh??" you looked at karina in horror. "It's not like we did anything wrong!"

jay grabbed her phone and called yunjin.

"hey yunjin, can i talk to you right now?" jay asked while glaring at you.

"yeah, why?"-yunjin

"ugh! cut it out!" hang up.

"what the heck? wasn't that y/n's voice??" yunjin asked herself with widen eyes.




"yes, really. Why can't you trust me?" you asked while frowning.

"exactly my point"-karina

"so, when's your friend gonna call you?" jay asked karina.

"dunno" karina replied as she crossed her arms and look away.

after a few minutes of silence the waiter arrived with a tray on his hands.

"here's your shaved ice" he placed the tray down and smile.

"wow, that looks really good!" karina said looking at the shaved ice with her eyes sparkling.

"anyway, do you really live in this studio apartment?" you asked jay.

"i moved in three days ago" jay answered as he handed the shaved ice to karina, but before karina could even land her spoon onto the shaved ice, jay pull his arm and stick his tongue out to karina.

"and I wouldn't have done so if I knew you lived here"-jay

"don't tell me you live on an odd number floor??" you widen your eyes.

"you're on an odd number floor too?!" jay asked. "i command you to only take the elevator for even floors from now!"

"why don't you just move to someplace else, since you're the one who's loaded? hmm?" you scoffed.

"he's loaded? how much money does he have?" karina asked when her phone suddenly goes off that made you and jay turn your heads at her.

"is it your friend?!"

"what did she say? who's the culprit?!"

karina widen her eyes "huh? what the hell is this?" she shows to the both of you her phone screen.

"this thing was posted on our school's anonymous discussion board"-karina

Seongsang anonymous discussion board

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