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"we can't have any rumors that would hurt miss yunjin's reputation."

"use any means you can, even celebrity scandals to distract the public and delete those posts at an appropriate time."

"yes, please continue to monitor the situation, thank you." Ms. Miyawaki hung up and groan.

"damn it! i guess I'm getting off work late again today" she growl. "why did this break out after all this time?!"

I thought it was finished business already.

who the heck is doing this? haven't they even thought about the consequences? she scoff.

her laptop suddenly made a notification sound, y/n sent her a message.


-someone kidnapped miss yunjin with the company car, I'm chasing after them now!



you keep driving the bike and over passing the car's who are honking at you.

"stop fooling around! what if we get into an accident, huh?!" yunjin yelled at jay who's busy driving the car.

yunjin hissed when jay didn't listen to her, yunjin peeked her head at the car window and said "hey y/n! I'm fine, so stop following me! I know this idiot!"

you can't clearly hear what she's saying so you thought she really needs your help.

"okay yunjin! I'm coming to rescue you!" you yelled as you sped up the bike.

"seriously, that moron!"-yunjin

you match the car speed and now the car and your bike were next to each other while it's moving.

"stop! I said stop! stop you fucking bastard!" you yelled at jay.

"hey y/n!" you look at yunjin as she calls you.

"are you alright? did you get hurt? I'll get you out soon!"-y/n

"no, I'm fine! I'm okay so just go home already!" she yelled but you can't clearly hear her.

"okay, I'll take you home soon!" jay stared at you blankly and decided to increase the car speed.

"crap!" you groan and try to catch up to them.

"i said I'm fine! can't you hear me, huh?!" yunjin bellowed.

"wow, she must really like you"-jay

"cut off the bullcrap and stop the car already! this isn't funny at all!" yunjin scowl.

"why? I'm actually curious to see how much she cares for you." jay utter.

"argh! just stop it! you annoying jerk!" yunjin screamed as she hit Jay's head.

"ouch!" jay whine.

you saw how yunjin keeps hitting jay so you misunderstood again.

you jump on top of the car that made them stop arguing and look at you shockingly.

"get out of the car now!"-y/n.

"why is she being so dramatic? is she shooting a movie or something?" jay scoffed.


"hey jay, if you ever want to see me again stop the car now." jay sigh and stepped on the break causing you to flip out of the car.

"hey kid, are you alright?" a random guy asked.

"what do you think you're doing?!" yunjin shouted at jay while looking at you worryingly.

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