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Ms. Miyawaki came over and she just sat in there for about 10 minutes without talking.

"this is a huge misunderstanding! it's not like that, i like like her, i had no choice but to..." i said.

"you know i can fire you for having romantic feelings for you client." she blunt.

"no way! do you really think i meant it? let's be honest, she's not pretty enough to make someone fall for her, right?" i exclaimed as she widen her eyes.

"m-mwo?" she asked, "insulting a client..." she said as she typed something on her laptop.

"wait! that's not what i mean! I'm just trying to prove that I'm not interested in her! that's why i wanted to quit.." she then starts laughing.

"you're quite fun to tease" she said as i widen my eyes in horror.

"frankly, i caught on to what was going on when i was taking miss yunjin home. She also called you a stalker today." i clench my teeth and groan.

"no need to worry, you are doing great" she said as she close her laptop. "so why do you want to quit?" she asked. "now you've got a perfectly good excuse to do your duty as her bodyguard. You did good"

"and if that's the case, should something ever happen you'll know about the situation better than anyone, right?" Ms. Miyawaki asked as she handed me a can of beer.

"of course i will, I'm not an idiot!" i exclaimed and grabbed the can of beer from her hand.

"just to give you a heads-up, there's someone that miss yunjin's had a crush on for a long time now." she said as she drank the beer.

"oh really?" i drank the beer.

"Yes, he's the third son of the JT group's ceo, he's good looking and well-mannered, so he got quite the reputation in the business world"

"i heard miss yunjin has liked him ever since she was little. She's so shy and blushes every time she's with him" she chuckle.

"oh and this is a secret between you and me, got it?" she remind.


hard to imagine her liking someone. I guess she has feelings too.

"so how is it being around miss yunjin? she's not a push-over, is she?" she asked as she open the bag of chips.

"well, I've never seen anyone so peculiar like her, she doesn't even bat an eye when someone picks on her" i replied. "she seems like she'll always get back at whoever messes with her, and do even worse to them, and she always has to have things her way, not to mention she treats people like dirt, even i would get fed up with someone like her if i had to keep being around her... she's such an annoying." i explained.

"I'm just saying you should have at least given me a little heads up beforehand." i added.

"so are you still in or not?" she questioned.

w-what's with her??

"you just don't know how she really is. I know she's acting out these days, but she used to be very timid and spent all her time studying. She'll get back to her old self in no time, so just hang in there, please continue to do as you're doing so she can focus on her studies."


"you go and try to live with her, then you'll know what kind of person she is. It'll feel like a living hell everyday." yunjin's words repeated in my head.

"do you think that she'll return to being a good student again when the bullying stops?" i asked with a hint of mock in my tone.

"hm? what are you saying?" she asked confusedly.

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