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(sorry for slow updates😭)

"w-what? crybaby?"-karina

"it looks like you actually sold my bracelet to pay for your new face" yunjin blunt. "did you buy yourself a new persona too? or do you think everyone else is just stupid?"

"w-what are you talking about?" karina nervously glance at you.

"stop playing so coy, you're making me puke" yunjin hissed.

"if you want to flirt with her so badly, do it somewhere else, I don't have to see it. Just looking at you trying so hard gets on my nerves" she added.


You! karina clenched her teeth while looking at yunjin.

"y-you're scaring me, what did i do that is so wrong?" karina played the victim and starts crying.

"h-hey, are you alright?" you asked rubbing karina's back.

"ugh whatever, so annoying." yunjin rolled her eyes and grabbed her notes from the ground as she takes her leave.

"Hey yunjin! wait!"

yunjin turned and said "stop following me, you're being so bothersome" she left.

you glance at karina as she starts sobbing so hard "I-i didn't!"

"karina, are you okay?" you asked.

"Oh! where is my chocolate? is it over there?" karina turned to where yunjin shoved the chocolate a while ago.

"don't sweat it, it's just a piece of candy" you stopped karina.

"I've gotta find it because you don't remember me, it's the only thing that you might me be able to remember about me! that's why it's so important to me!" karina insist and run away to find the chocolate.

"hey karina! hold up!"


"I didn't have a plastic surgery, I only had a simple procedure on my eyelids" karina said as she sat on the bench. "W-why is she being so mean to me?" she sobs.

"don't worry yourself over what she said. You know, yunjin can be a little.....blunt sometimes." you said while rubbing karina's back.

"you're right, I shouldn't cry over this" karina said and wipe her tears away.

"Ah! today is such a rough day, really" karina giggled.

you looked at karina and look away after a few seconds.

".....I'm sorry I didn't remember you, my life was very hectic back then."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think about it, I guess I was just thinking about me." karina looked down.

you look at her and she suddenly became a energetic "stupid, stupid" she hit her head and start chuckling.

What's wrong with her? you thought.

"but I thought you went to a school for criminal justice? Did you quit?" she asked.

"What?" you asked nervously.

"they told me that when I asked the other kids about you" she said. "did they hear it wrong or something?" she added.

you kept quiet for a seconds.

"Oh, yeah! I quit! i stopped going after a while, that school wasn't for me!" you exclaimed as you laugh.

"That's too bad, I wanted to see you become a guard" she said. " I thought you'd be a perfect guard, they look awesome, you know?" she chuckled.

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