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karina was sitting alone inside their classroom since all of the students starts heading out because school is finally over.

a girl student suddenly approach karina saying, "ningning said she wants to see you behind the rice cake restaurant."


[Behind The Rice Cake Restaurant]

"ningning? hey ningning" karina called out for her but no one's answering. "stop joking around and come out. I'm gonna leave if you don't."

"....I'm leaving? hello?" karina was about to leave when two guys wrapped their arms around karina's arms.

"w-what's this?? let go! who are you?!" one of the guys sush karina by putting his palm on her mouth.

"shut up and come with us!" he bellowed, dragging karina with them.

"huh? what the..?" yunjin muttered, giving them a dirty look.


the guys taped karina's wrist onto the pole in a like construction site.

"what is this? let me go!" karina screamed.

"you're here" someone spoke, karina looked at where the voice came from and saw the upperclassman bully's face.

"w-what? you used ningning's name to lure me out? are you serious?!" karina snarled.

"yeah? it was her idea" he replied.


"no one seems to like you anymore. aww...poor little girl" he mocked. "i would've protected you if you'd sucked up to me more."

"..so? what do you want? why are you doing this to me?!"-karina

the upperclassman was now holding karina's phone while scrolling through it. "y/n, y/n, y/n. where is this bastard?.....here she is! hey, I'm gonna call her on your phone okay?"

"what?" karina widened her eyes.

"y/n! I'm being held hostage! save me y/n!" he said mocking karina as he laughed.

"what do you think you're doing?! stop it! give me back my phone!"

"when she finds out I'm holding you here....aren't you curious how she'll react?" he smirked.

"give it back! stop it you bastard!" karina yelled, the upperclassman stare at her angrily as he walked up to her.

"sometimes you're to brave" he grip onto her hair. "don't you understand the situation you're in? I'm warning you. don't piss me off anymore. got it?!"

"it's just me that likes her" karina sobbed that caught the upperclassman off guard, "she doesn't like me back a single bit! so stop embarrassing me, please"

he let go of her hair and stood up fixing his uniform, "she doesn't like you? wow....that pisses me off even more" he expressed, "we'll see whether she comes or not. if she comes she's dead, but if she doesn't she's even more dead. i might get suspended or expelled but I'll kill that son of a bitch."

then suddenly someone stop clapping followed by a voice, "wow, nice plan." it's yunjin.

"w-what the? what is she doing here?!" the upperclassman yelled asked when he saw yunjin held by his minions.

"i found her snooping around" one of them answered.

"you moron! what if she makes things worse?!" he scowled.

"carry on, don't worry about me." yunjin spoke, "I won't tell my family."

"what?" the upperclassman asked surprisedly.

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