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we're in a chanel store and this girl can't stop buying some things and made me carry it all.

"I'll take that" yunjin said referring to the white dress.

"and that one too." she said pointing at the eyeglasses.

the cashier put it in a paper bags and handed it to yunjin but yunjin handed it to me.


she really wouldn't stopped.

i swear my whole body are in sore.

"i want this bag in each color." she blunt.

"yes!, of course!, here you go miss." the lady said handing out the total of 5 paper bags.



"this one and that one too." she ordered while pointing on the items without even touching or checking it.

"you have an outstanding taste" the shop assistant said while smiling widely.

so....she's really using me to carry her stuff i frown.



finally, she's done with her precious shopping.

how much did she spent? do rich kids like her really think money grows on trees? i thought as i frown.

"what's up with that face?" yunjin asked and took a sip of her coffee. "you look like i dragged you here against your will"

"oh...i just thought we've been shopping forever so....."

"then what did you expect?" she asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"well, you said it was a d-date" i stutter.

"don't people on dates usually do something fun and talk or stuff like that?" i nervously asked.

"that's a load of crap, you didn't actually think this was a date, right?" she questioned.

"here you are stalking me, so out of the good of my heart i let you tag along, that's all" she blunt.

well that's hurt ngl.

"just go home if you're bored" she suggested.

"but if you leave now, don't you ever think about talking to me again, you got that?" she slammed the mug into the table.

"oh! i never knew how fun shopping could be until today!" i exclaimed.

"oh, just look at you! you precious beauty!" i said looking at the paper bags.

i stopped and put on a straight face.

"anyway, it's getting kinda late, aren't you gonna go home?" i asked as i took a sip of my coffee.

"why? do you me want to go? i thought you like me? don't you want to spend more time together?" she pout.

"o-of course i do! I'm just saying it's a little late, I'm just concerned your family might worry." i expressed.

"worried? you mean the ceo?" she asked, "yeah, maybe. She's probably just cares that I'm not studying right now"

what does she mean by that?

"let her be worried for all i care, that's what i want anyway" she added as she cut the cake and put it in her mouth.

"what do you mean?" i questioned.

The Shadow Of Yunjin Where stories live. Discover now