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"hello, were you able to trace the IP address?"-Ms. Miyawaki

"ah... it's just as i thought. The name?"

"pardon? it was who?" Ms. Miyawaki widened her eyes when the guy behind the phone call says the name.

"please continue to monitor the situation. Thank you. Bye."

she opened her laptop and click the file named 'Miss Yunjin 20XX- Europe trip'.

"how come i never thought of this?" she scoffed and suddenly her phone goes off seeing yunjin's calling her.


you and karina peeked at the usual spot of karina and her friends, seeing them there talking about some stuff while inhaling some cigarette.

"wait her for a sec, I'll give you a signal" karina said and made her way to them.

"what's so hilarious?" karina asked them when she sees them laughing.

"did you saw yunjin's face today? she completely lost it this time" sunghoon laughed.

"seriously? grow up. Why don't you guys make better use of your time and memorize another english vocabulary, huh?" karina said while pretending to read the english vocabulary book on her hand.

"what's up with that act?" giselle asked.

"i know you're exhilarated. didn't i told you to leave it all to me?"-Ningning

karina looked at you and gave you a signal to come up.

"oh look, it's park y/n" giselle said when she saw you making your way to them.

"what is she doing here?"-jake

"are you here to smoke too?"-sunghoon

"wow karina, don't tell me she's here to see you?" ningning turn her head at karina.

"hey you" you said looking at ningning. "are you the one who posted that online? the one who spread all those rumors about yunjin?" you asked giving her a dirty look.

"what? are you serious? what the hell are you talking about?" ningning said nervously.

"oh my god! you're the one who posted that?! really?!" karina dramatically act.

"what the hell?? i said I'm not!" ningning growl.

"if you don't tell the truth..." you lean to her ear and whisper "I'm gonna tell everyone at school that you have a crush on Nakamura Kazuha"

"h-how did you...?!" ningning step back in shocked and look at karina, "is it you Yu Jimin?!"

"no way! how did you know that y/n? no one knows ningning has a crush on her, it's her first crush--" ningning covered karina's mouth.

"you want to die?!" ningning yelled.

"what her first crush?!" sunghoon asked in shock.

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