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as heeseung minions swarmed around you, throwing punches left and right, you fought back with a fierce determination. Each time someone lunged at you, you retaliated with a swift punch, refusing to go down without a fight.

one of them let out a frustrated curse, shouting, "you bitch!" as he raised the thick wood to strike you, but before the wood could make contact with your skin, karina acted swiftly, stepping in front of you and delivering a strike of her own, knocking him down before he had a chance to land the blow.

"I'll take this side!" karina shouted.


heeseung's face twisted with frustration as he stood there witnessing the ongoing struggle between you and karina, "these idiots! why is it so damn hard for them to handle one girl?" he growled, clearly agitated by their failure to subdue you.

beside him, the big ass guy smoking a cigarette let out a whistle, impressed by your strength, "damn, that darling is something else. she's gonna wipe us out."

heeseung turned around to give the big ass guy a furious glare, "hey, jackass! stop smoking and get in there!" he barked.

"hey, hey! you know I don't move when I'm hungry!" he retorted, flicking the cigarette away.

"if you deal with her, I'll buy you anything!"-heeseung

the big guy pondered for a moment, contemplating his request, "really? hmm...what should i have?" he mused before suddenly charging towards you, his fist flying towards your face, "creamy rice cakes!" he shouted.

you managed to duck away from his first punch, but couldn't evade the second one, "with extra cheese!" he added.

karina looked at you, worry visible on her face, "y/n, you okay?!" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

the big guy continued to call out his demands while charging towards you, "and uhm...beef intestines!" he shouted but you dodged his punch, as your fist connected with his stomach, it bounced off harmlessly, not having the slightest effect.

"and for dessert....." he began, his eyes glinting with excitement.

meanwhile, one of the minions shouted out a warning, "your back is open!"

"damn it!" you groaned as a wooden beam slammed against your back.

"y/n, are you alright?!" karina exclaimed, her concern growing.

"you guys think you'll get away with this?! i saw everything, you hear me?!" karina shouted at them angrily.

heeseung smirked, a hint of cockiness in his expression, "i told you I'm taking that bastard down with me today. and as you know, i have reliable back-up."

"...it's okay, stay behind me." you spoke, as you stepped forward, removing your bag and tossing it aside, you repositioned yourself, a determined expression on your face, "hey, I don't know about you, but I've got some reliable back-up too" you stated firmly.


"let's put an end to this today." you stated firmly, your teeth gritted as you fixed your gaze on the big ass guy, "hey, piggy. bring it." you growled, beckoning him forward.

"what? piggy?!" he snarled, offended by your words, "I CAN TAKE FATTY, BUT I WON'T TAKE PIGGY"

calmly, you dodged his attack and retorted with a blunt statemen, "that's your problem, you fat piggy." you punctuated your words with a powerful kick straight to his face.

he whipped his head towards you, his eyes filled with anger as he spat out, "agh! this darling wants to die" before he could launch his attack, you swiftly sweeped his foot, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

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